A chorus of cheers sounded from everyone as they break off from the circle. Kimball, Dr. Grey, and Carolina headed to the kitchen to prepare for the dinner while the Red and Blues, Dylan, and York start a game of Beer Pong. I giggled when York didn't make his shot and he mouthed "shut up" to me which makes me laugh even harder.

"Tiger, I need to talk to you." Wash says, making me stop laughing. From the tone of his voice, he was serious and usually, that's not that good..

"Is something wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"No, nothing's wrong it's just.. I need to talk to you about something." His eyes shifted to the front door and back at me, telling me that this was going to be a private conversation out in the snow. Brilliant.

"Alright." I grab my winter coat off a chair and went out the front door to the porch, with Wash following closely behind.

"My gosh it's cold.." I mutter as I quickly put on my coat.

"I thought you were used to it." Wash smirks.

"Oh shush. I haven't exactly been in cold temperatures in a long while." I stick my hands in my pocket, hoping that it will keep them nice and warm. "So what exactly did you want to tell me?"

He just smiles and turns to the falling snow. "Do you remember our first mission together as a duo?"

"Yeah, it was to infiltrate an Insurrectionists base and gather intel. Why?"

"I remember being nervous going on the mission with you, thinking that I didn't have what it took to be a Freelancer. But you reminded me that we were a team and a team sticks together no matter what. Even if they're a piece of trash."

I giggled at the memory but why is he reminding me of this? Like, this could of been discussed inside..

"We ended up completing the mission in record time.. and all the other missions after than. And the ones beyond the Project. We were, and still are, unstoppable."

Wait a minute. Wait a freaken minute. Is he..?

"You have been by my side, always watching my six. Whenever I'm having a rough time, YOU are there to get me through it. Telling me to get up and to keep going, but to also take it easy and slow."

He stop and takes a deep breath. "I regret letting you go when the Project fell. I regret not telling you how much you really meant to me before you left. Every day I walked through that hidden Project Freelancer base, you always came to my mind. I would.. worry about you and wondered if you were safe."

He lets out a short laugh. "Never did I expect to see you barging into a room full of robots while I was in that ugly colbat and yellow armor and started fighting without a second thought. I was so relieved to see you but scared that we weren't on the same terms. But you proved me wrong."

He turns back to me and gently takes my cold hands from my pockets. "What I'm saying is: You have been, and always be, the greatest thing that has happened to me. You are the star of my life. My little Tiger. The girl I want to spend the rest of my life with."

I can feel the tears start to form in my eyes but I blink them back because I have no idea if this was really what I think it is. "David?"

He lets one of my hands go and reaches into his pocket. My heart quickens as he fumbles around, but then slowly calms down as he takes out a knife, still in it's sheath and places it in my hand.

"It wouldn't be fair if my partner didn't have her knife back while I still have mine."

I couldn't help myself and accidentally let out a small laugh. "Well this was unexpected." I took the knife out of it's sheath, revealing the old steel with yellow accent colors. I know Wash has a similar knife, but in my colors: white and black. In a way, it's a symbol of us being together and it really caught me by surprise that he made it a big deal about giving it back to me.

Agent Alaska: The Coming War (Red vs Blue)Where stories live. Discover now