Phasma - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Questions/Response to Phasma:

1: Thank you, knowledge is my key but fighting is my skill! *I said through grunts as I held my stance against her with a big of ease due to my training, she was much taller than me though I was short. I shoved hard, sending her back a bit. With a smirk still on my lips, I ran at her twirling my weapon. I raise it into the air and swung to strike her side, if she was quick as I am, she’d hopefully dodge it*

Phasma: *dodges with ease and aims for your legs to knock you to the ground*

2: Besides gaining allies and going to political gatherings for the First Order, I'd love to actually be in combat. It’s exciting, I hope to join you in a mission one day.

Phasma: If you keep you keep progressing as well as you do, I have no doubt.

3: Excellent! I have three close allies of mine who’ve helped me a bunch. They’ll help me train the troops and improve them. Of course I’ll still use your strategies, the troopers missing the shots will be taken care of. I’ll help them aim better and if they’re still terrible shots, I’ll send them to you.

Phasma: I need to evaluate your allies before they are approved to train my troops. You and I are no responsible for the future of the First Order. And yes, I'll take any stormtroopers who are failing your class.

*As Phasma stepped closer, I stood still and didn’t move. I had a light blush, due to me suddenly feeling anxious and nervous with her response, but I still kept still and tried not to show how nervous I was. I looked up at her as I inhaled, thinking about my answer thoroughly. I then exhaled, nodding. I admired and looked up to Phasma, I knew and hoped I wouldn’t disappoint her, especially with the plans I have in mind* There will be failures within some, usually is. However, I have ways to deal with that, I promise you that. I’ll improve them, you and Hux will see the difference, most importantly you Phasma.

Phasma: *smirks under her helmet* I look forward to the results then...


Great replies MinxCoda!

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