General Hux - Reply

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Message from MinxCoda:

*I blushed lightly, thinking of how I'd describe myself to Hux. I was never good at these, I never knew how to explain what my personality is or what kind of person I am. But this time I'd give it a try.*

Hux: *waited patiently, for once, for you to speak*

I'd say I'm loving, caring and sorta outgoing. I'm willing to help my friends and family. When it comes to family and friends I'll protect them with my life to make sure they are safe and protected, I'm loyal to my family and friends.

Hux: *he nods, not interrupting*

I'm a learner, I always want to learn something new and improve my skills. I'm usually quiet around crowds, nobody know I'm around but I always am. I pay attention to everything around me which helps me find out things. But with my close friends and people who know me, I'm not so quiet.

Hux: If you admire learning, perhaps you would like to be skilled with a lightwhip?

I'm artistic, I paint and draw, it usually helps me release stress and cope when I'm depressed. I like to develop my mind and skills in strategies and teachings.

Hux: *lightly smiles over your similarities*

I love to read. I have possibly 20 books or more I've read. I especially love to learn about history. I'm always studying it and reading about it from different cultures around earth.

Hux: You and I are more alike than I believe is said, did you know that?

My friends tell me I have a pretty crazy yet funny humor, which is true I suppose...Back in my past, I used to have a wild temper. Anything and everything set me off. I was in a dark place of mind, very dsrk. But it's gotten better, I still have a temper but now for more reasonable reasons. But when I do lose  my temper, it's only with people who intentionally try to make me lose it and when I'm mad? From what I hear it's a scary thing.

Hux: Oh? *smirks* I like a fiery temper and scary attitude. It's hot.

I am also a hard worker. I'm always working hard and pushing myself past my limits but sometimes it's not a good thing. I usually get sick if I push myself too much or get terrible migraines and eye sight, but I still push myself  through them and continue to work. That's a common problem of mine...

Hux: That sounds like me pretty much with every work shift...

I'm also...a little bit short. I hope that doesn't bother you. My friends make short jokes but all in good fun.

Hux: I like that you're shorter. I prefer to look down at those around me.

That's all I could think of for myself. I don't talk about myself much so I hope that doesn't seem all jumbled up. *I smiled, kissing Hux's cheek then his lips softly. I pulled away, still smiling at him* Tell me about yourself when you're able, I'd love to get to know more about the man I love.

Hux: *blushing* There's not too much to say, other than the fact we are very much alike the other. Perhaps that's a sign you're my equal and we could be meant to be?

*shrugs* Although I'm not the mushy type. For me, destiny doesn't involve romance. But who knows? Perhaps down the road that could change...


Sorry for the late reply MinxCoda!

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