The Half Moon

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On the way back toward their own campsite, Loretta could barely contain herself from the questions she wanted to ask.

"Why did you let the argument happen, and risk putting yourself in danger, if you knew Nakahi would dance again?"

Hess laughed, "He had to know I was the boss. He had to know I was not for sale, and he had to know that Nakahi was not tame," she shrugged, "it's that simple really."

Loretta nodded, "I didn't think of it like that."

Hess mussed her free hand through Loretta's unruly curls, "Men think they are in control, sweet Loretta. We must let them know that it is actually we who shape the course of the world. The Lamp, after all, was created for a woman."

"Pardon?" Loretta looked at her in surprise, they were nearing the campfire Bennou and Akil had built to cook on. A hot pot of stew was still simmering unattended over the flame. Akil was alone by the fire but he seemed to have dozed off completely.

"I will tell you of the history of the lamp," she promised as she placed Nakahi in her sack down within the radiant warmth of the fire's reach, and then sat down herself, "but first, we should eat."

Akil stirred as they sat down and rubbed his eyes, "Loretta," he said softly.

"Hullo, yes I'm back," she crossed the fire and sat down beside him.

"Bennou cooked that," he pointed to the pot beside the fire, "help yourselves though, I've already had some."

Hess didn't need to be told twice, she pulled her hair out of the way and into a bun before leaning over and serving herself a bowlful.

Loretta did the same.

"Hess is a very good dancer," Loretta told Akil between mouthfuls of food.

"I know, Bennou told me how famous she is," Akil eyed the sack by the fire which contained Nakahi. The sack had flattened out like a pancake in the warmth of the flames, Nakahi was clearly content.

"She's going to tell me the story of how the lamp was created," Loretta said suddenly, chewing on a chunk of carrot.

"Is she now?" Akil asked thoughtfully.

Loretta nodded, "Where is Bennou?" she asked suddenly.

Akil shrugged, "He must have wandered off after I fell asleep," he said, before turning to Hess, "so, creation of the lamp? What legends and stories do they tell these days?" he asked, sounding mildly curious as he picked through the contents of the pot for stray pieces of meat.

Hess smiled, "The same one they always have."

She locked eyes with Loretta over the flames as she continued, "Our first legends speak of another world, where there was a great city of men, and of gods. The city of the Nephilim." She paused and glanced at Akil, but he gestured for her to continue. "The city sat on the edge of the wilderness, marking the boundary between the desert lands and the lush fields and forests of the world. From age to age the city grew in power, but the people were plagued by a monstrous beast who prowled outside the walls. A demon with a thirst for Nephilim blood." Hess paused, and looked from Loretta who sat by the flames, transfixed by her words, to Akil who drew letters in the sand with a stick he had pulled from the fire.

Loretta elbowed him.

He put the stick down. "I am listening, I've heard the stories before," he said.

"You don't believe in your own history?" Hess asked, curious.

"It doesn't really matter what I believe."

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