Chapter 2

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"Blake get in position I'm heading in.", Lauren said quietly into her radio. "All set L careful.", Blake said.

"Don't worry about me.", Lauren said before turning off her radio,switching to her earpiece, while getting out of her car.

Lauren wore a long black dress with slits that showed off her legs. The dress hugged Lauren's skin in all the right places. Every curve and crease highlighting perfectly while her black smokey eye makeup popped out her eyes. Lauren made she her pocket knife was secure and hidden. She sensed Blake's careful eyes on her letting her know that he was ready.

Lauren cracked her knuckles and headed into the club. As soon as she entered she was immediately intoxicated with the smell of weed, alcohol, and sweaty bodies. The DJ blasted loud beats that caused the dance floor to be completed filled with people. Girls grinded against their partners and guys sat back and watched with arousal.

"Hey siri remind me to call Normani later.", Lauren spoke lowly into her apple watch.

Once Lauren saw that her reminder was confirmed Lauren searched the club for her target.

"Lauren? Come in Lauren.", Lauren heard her father's voice come through her earpiece.

"I hear you.", Lauren said.

"What's it like.", Mike asked.

"Just like you said father. Nothing, but a drug joint here.", Lauren groaned.

"Any sight of Marcus?", Mike questioned.

"No sight yet.", Lauren muttered.

"Keep looking that bastard is there somewhere.", Mike grunted.

"Copy that.", Lauren said before removing her finger from her earpiece.

"Where are you?", Lauren whispered to herself.

Lauren looked all through the club. Seeing nothing, but people smoking, drinking, and dancing. Lauren was started to grow impatient and her temper was starting to get the best of her. Lauren felt eyes on her. She looked up and saw a young man looking down at her lustfully. "Goddammit", Lauren groaned.

"Target's son is in sight and is head heading towards me.", Lauren mumbled in her earpiece as she watched the the boy make his way to her.

"Ready to shoot.", Blake said.

"Don't shoot. Lauren you know what to do.", Mike said.

"On it.", Lauren smirked and relaxed herself as the boy smiled at her.

"Damn cutie never seen you here before.", the boy smirked.

"First time actually. Heard this place can be a lot of fun.", Lauren said as she twisted her hair.

"Oh yeah, but you know it can be even more fun.", the boy said. "Oh yeah? How's that?", Lauren pushed on as she moved her face to be inches away from the boy's lips.

"I can make you feel good.", the boy whispered as he pointed towards his crotch.

Low and behold an erection was noticeable through his tight pants. Lauren gagged on the inside, but pretended to be astounded by the boy's size.

"Wow.", Lauren said.

"You want it?", the boy whispered in Lauren's ear seductively as he grabbed her ass. "Mm we should go somewhere more private.", Lauren said as she bit the boy's earlobe.

"Of course we can go upstairs to my dad's V.I.P area. He'll be up there, but if he sees what I swooped up he won't give a damn.", the boy said proudly while scooting his erection closer on Lauren's thigh.

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