Chapter 14- The First Show

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*Kiza's P.O.V.*

Today was the first day that these boy's had a show anywhere, it was about 12 in the afternoon, and there was a big problem, and it was that Deuce hasn't came back yet.

He has all of us worried, with no texts, calls nothing. The past couple mornings were full of morning sickness because of my little one J was the only one to get up with me and help me out, the others were either sound asleep or didn't hear J was in the room beside me.

I don't leave the house without one of the guys now because they don't want me to hurt myself or get taken away by a stranger even though there is no one that hates us really besides Liliana but she hasn't showed up in a while.

It gets to be a piss off a lot but at least they care to give me protection from anyone.

Currently I was rushing the boys out of bed so we could get to north Hollywood for the show, and so we could talk to their manager and do some quick sound testing.

They finally got out of bed and got dressed, I took the masks out to the van, and I got everything put away that was needed, than there was a car coming up the drive way, of course I checked and it was a really tired looking Deuce.

I turned around and climbed into the back of the van to count bags and clothes to see if everything was there, because these guys don't always pack the right stuff when they are half asleep to, they got too lazy last night to pack, so they also had to do that packing this morning.

"Hey Kiza and baby" He actually came to say hi "Hi Deuce" sounding annoyed and I made sure that I did "Look I'm sorry ok?" I sighed "Deuce, don't worry, this child has a bunch of uncle's that will take care of it, they even picked names a week ago because they wanted to make me feel better and be there"

"What was picked?" he looked me in the eyes and I looked away. "Johnny picked Ashton Jay for boy and Funny picked Annabella Rose for girl" I smiled remembering the night when everyone of the guys slept in my room that night.

"Beautiful, I wouldn't have done any better with the names than them" he chuckled I crawled out of the van "Um, can I see the tummy please" he gave me pleading eyes.

"fine but let's go inside I'm not lifting my shirt up outside" he smiled at the remark and walked towards the door as I closed the van and walked in.

There at the other side was angry men glaring at Deuce "guys stop, we don't need a fight before the show please, at least he came back" I went to the couch and sat down placing a hand on my stomach.

"Is the baby ok?" Johnny said looking at me with worry, he was always like this "yes, now relax please Johnny" Deuce sat beside me and touched my stomach "hah already have a bump" he smiled as he rubbed back and forward on my tummy.

"By the way guys, thank you for picking the names, I wouldn't have done any better" Deuce sincerely said looking at each one of them.

The guys nodded but still watched him carefully, I don't know why but I don't like it. Yes he over reacted, yes, he took off for a week but at least he's here before the show.

It was about 1 o'clock so we all loaded into the van and went for the club that had them playing tonight, hopefully no fights tonight.

-show time-

The guys were getting ready for the show having before show drinks I was backstage munching on salt and vinegar chips and strawberries, mmm, damn cravings, they were weird a lot of the time.

It was almost show time I hope they knew, the manager came to me at a quick pace "Where are the boys?" I shrugged "Around the club somewhere, want me to go find them?" "please" with that I took off finding the guys.

I found everyone in time but Deuce so I texted him, 'where are you? shows starting soon' and no reply after 5 minutes so I got Kurlz to call.

"Yo, bud where the fuck are you" he rolled his eyes "get the hell back here, we have a show!" he hung up quickly, "he went somewhere with some slut" I got a jealous feeling in my stomach but I pushed it away.

He'll never learn, I felt Charlie come up to me and place his hand on my stomach and hugged me around my back, he always gives me these hugs now, since I found out about my little baby.

"Kiza doesn't need this stress, Deuce is a asshole, you hear that little one, your daddy is a asshole" i laughed at Charlie talking to my stomach, he also did this a lot talking to it and making sure it was funny so I could laugh.

"Are you guys ready?" stage manager asked us "no, one of our guys isn't here but will be soon" he shook his head "five minutes that's it" someones grouchy, jeez.

It was almost time when Deuce decide to pride his ass in "come on fuck face we have to go on!" Charlie like practically growled at him as I threw him his mask, his mood evidently changed that second. I told the stage manager they were ready so the announcer went to the stage and did his job.

"Well guys we have a new band coming in today! Give it up for Hollywood Undead!" he threw his hand to the air and the guys ran out to the stage.

They played every song from their new album Swan Songs, and by the reaction of the crowd they loved them. They played for hours and everyone jammed out to them and I watched as well as video taped the concert.

"Ladies and gents Hollywood Undead!"

This show was great for a fact, thank goodness.


Here you go, I didn't like not updating so please enjoy :) leave feedback please, first comment get a dedication

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