"My bad. Guess I thought you were an Avenger because you seem to help us out a lot." Tony said. He sighed. "Well. Anyways I'm having a party and I have invited all the avengers and wanted to invite you. So you coming?" Tony asked.

"No. I have work to do. Not every is rich like you and don't have to worry about bills." Peter replied.

"Alright then. Doors open if you change your mind." Tony said before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Dr. Connors asked.

"Ugh.... my friend tony invited me to a party. I said no. I had work." Peter said.

"Peter. You should go. I've been keeping you here far to much. You've put in your work. Now go off to this party." Dr. Connors said.

"But-" Peter began but dr. Connor was already getting peter up and pushing him towards the door. Miles saw this and went to them.

"Now you go to that party mr. Parker. And don't come back till tomorrow." Connors said with a big smile. "Enjoy life while your young my boy." Connors said before closing the door. Shocked peter just turned so he was facing the general direction of stark tower.

"Your going to a party?" Miles asked.

"Well. You should come too. It'd be good for you to go to it. Meet some people." Peter said.

"Who's party is it?" Miles asked.

"Tony stark." Peter said.

"What!!!!" Miles practically yelled.

"Shush!!!!" Peter said getting miles to be quiet. Peter then began to walk.

"Are we going in costume?" Miles asked with a smile.

"Yes. Miles. We're going in costume." Peter said. Miles fist pumped in his excitement. They then went back to Peters apartment where they changed. Then began to swing their way to stark tower.

"Oh... this is so exciting. I'm going to meet the tony stark!" Miles said as he was very much excited. Peter then noticed that they were being tailed. Peter landed on the side of a building where he found cat waiting on a ledge.

"Hey there handsome." Cat said sweetly.

"Hello gorgeous. How's my favorite cat?" Peter asked.

"I'm purr-fect." She replied.

"That was terrible." Miles said. As he landed beside peter. "Come on! I thought we were going to a party." Miles said.

"A party? Can I join?" Felicia asked.

"I don't know. You did steal from the guy who's hosting the party." Peter said.

"Who?" Felicia said confused.

"Tony stark." Peter answered. He began to think and quickly got a idea. "But this could be a good opportunity to apologize." Peter said.

"Apologize!" Cat said shocked.

"Yeah. Apologize. You know that where you say sorry and try to make up with someone." Peter said in a joking manner.

"I know what apologizing is. But... do I have to?" Felicia asked.

"Tell you what. If you apologize. At the end of the party I will tell you my name." Peter said. This caught cats attention. She mulled over the idea before sighing.

"Fine. I'll apologize." She said.

"Good. Now then let's go." Peter said. With the peter had Felicia hold onto him as he climbed building and jumped between them. Sadly he couldn't websling as webslinging with a normal person could cause their death. That is because a normal person can't take the G-force involved in web-slinging, thankfully the spider bite altered Peters body making his body strong enough to websling and be completely fine. So yeah webslinging was only permitted when he's not carrying people. When they reached stark tower peter climbed up the side of the building while keeping Felicia attached to his back. When peter made it to the floor where the party was he knocked on the glass close to where tony was. Tony smiled when he saw peter but confused as to who was on his back. When peter went in and cat got off his back Tony's eyes widened.

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