"Ashley." She said and I nodded and said it was nice meeting her too.

Being in this room alone was making me really sad. Jay not being here was making me 10x sadder. I didn't even care if he just came for today and went back and finish working. Just as long as he was here today. I just missed him so much.

As soon as I looked down at my hands a tear fell, and more came after that. I tried wiping them but it was no use.

I heard the door open but didn't bother looking up. If it wasn't jay I didn't really care. I just wanted to check on my baby and go.

"I know you ain't crying." I heard the one voice I was craving to hear this very moment say and I quickly shot my head up.

"Oh my god, baby!" I yelled and jumped up to get to him. as soon as I got to him I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in it. And he say something down and immediately hugged my back just as tight. Kissing my head repeatedly. I couldn't help the tears that were forming in my eyes.

"Baby girl I missed you so much." He said making me hug him tighter.

"I missed you too." I mumbled in his neck as I took in his scent. I came from his neck and looked at his face. He looked so happy to see me and I know you could tell I'm happy to see him. I smashed my lips into his and he kissed back so passionately. Then when pulled away and rested my forehead on his.

He wiped my tears and kissed my forehead.

"Your such an ass, why wasn't you answering my calls and why you ain't tell me you was coming nigga." I said as soon as I lifted my head to meet his eyes and he laughed

"Then it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" He said as soon as my auntie came in. I kissed him one last time and went to sit down. And while my auntie was looking away I threw up the middle finger at jay and he mouthed "later." And I blushed as soon as my auntie turned towards me

"Hey bey and jay, right?" My auntie said and he nodded and we both said hey then she looked at me again

"Girl what you blushing for." She said playfully pinching my cheek and that just made me laugh and blush harder

"Nothingggg." I said looking at jay and she laughed and shook her head. She told me to lay back and I did so.

"So how have you been feeling and how has the baby been?" She asked

"Well I've been good besides the morning sickness and nausea. And the baby has been good too I guess. Nothing out of the normal." I said shrugging

"Alright, good have you been taking your pills?" She asked and I said yes. "Have you had a period since you found out?" I told her no. And she turned around with the gel and told me to lift my hoodie up since I didn't have a shirt on and I did so.

"Okay last question." She said putting that cold ass gel on my stomach making me jump and gasp a little.

"What is it?" I said sweetly. While holding jay's hand and he'd kiss it occasionally

She put the tool on my stomach and looked at the monitor looking for the baby.

"Have you been sexually active?" She asked with a eyebrow raised looking at jay and I and I choked on some air and started coughing. And she laughed so did jay.

"Um not for 4 weeks no." I said looking at jay while he smirked and I did it back because I knew I was gonna get some as soon as we got home, if we even made it there. I just knew he would be in my guts after this appointment.

"Okay, you want to hear the heartbeat?" She asked and we immediately nodded and she chuckled and played it for us while showing us the baby on the monitor. It was strong and healthy, even though I was just a month.

I felt tears coming to my eyes just feeling the love I already felt for this baby. It was overwhelming. I looked up at jay and he had a few tears slipping down his face. Y'all seeing my man cry about this made me cry even more.

"Y'all want pictures and a audio of the heart beat?" She's aid and we immediately said yes. Jay kissed my cheek and my lips then my forehead. Then cleaned off my stomach for me. He helped me up then my auntie gave me some papers and other things that I needed.

Then she said she'll see me during Christmas and new years and I told her I'd see her then. Jay and I headed out the door and as soon as we got in the car I wasted no time shoving my tongue down his throat. And he came back just as aggressive. We were in my car and we didn't even get out of the parking lot yet. I climbed over into his seat and straddled his lap. I didn't car that he was in the drivers seat I was just craving his touch so badly.

As soon as I sat on his lap he grabbed the rim of my hoodie and and lifted over my head and threw it to the side then immediately grabbed my breast and and ran his hands down from my chest to my ass and he attacked my back with kisses and when he began sucking it a moan slipped out and I felt him smirk agains my neck. Then kept sucking it harder when he played with my spot. I couldn't help but to grind on him hard.

My windows were tinted so I wasn't worried about anybody seeing us.

Jay stopped and grabbed my hips making me stop. I was breathing hard he was breathing hard. We didn't even do shit yet but we were so ready.

"Why you stop me?" I said going back in for another kiss but he put his hand over my mouth stopping me again and I rolled my eyes

"Jayyyyyy. Gimmie some dick right nowww!" I whined because he knew how bad I was craving and he knew how bad I needed it

"Listen bey when I make love to you I'm not tryna stop for ours and I wanna fuck you every where not just the car. So drive home and I'll meet you there. Who ever get there first get head first." He said looking so deep into my eyes and I bit my lip and nodded my head

"Well be prepared to eat this cat cause as soon as you get out I'm speeding!" I said and he laughed.

"Mmhm alright girl put yo hoodie back on before I get out. And get that neck ready too." I laughed and kissed his lips one good time before climbing back into the other seat and sliding my hoodie on then waiting till he got out to go into the drivers seat the I watched him get into his truck and I zoomed outta that parking lot.

I just knew I was going to beat him home

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