Chapter 7---Final Destination

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~~~Authors note: first, I do not have anything against the person who is the villain when you find out. I don't know her too much but it's just for the story and I have nothing bad to say about her. It's just for the story :) hope you enjoy the last chapter~~~ { and lots of POV switching will go around }


Chapter 7---Final Destination

Harry's POV:

I could tell that Louis was in a hurry to get out of the plane after a few hours getting to the Paris airport. But I tried to calm him down even though I could tell he was broken.

We walked out the doors and spiraled around areas until we got a good look at the Eiffel tower. Dusk was already active and we knew that we only had today to finish this mission since tomorrow was Sunday. We raced up the stairs until a mysterious door was by us. Jimmy inched closer and told us to follow. We obeyed and followed him.

I cracked open the door and peered through the crack. I said the coast was clear and when we stepped inside the empty room inside the Eiffel tower, a cage slammed down on us and we were suddenl trapped in a cage.

I slammed on the metal bars trying to open it but it didn't break one bit. "Give up Harry, where trapped here" Zayn said sitting against the cage by Justin and Andrea held each other closely. I sat down on the floor looking very irritated. "I just want Uncle Simon back!" Louis whined while Liam thinking about how to escape.

"Oh you do?" A deep voice came from the shadows and I cocked my head over to the covered spot. "WHOSE THERE?" I yelled standing up and gripping the age with my hands and trying to shake it but it didn't move a centimeter.

A chuckled came from the darkness. "I've got your precious Simon" The deep voice boomed through my earlobes. "WE WANT HIM BACK" Liam said furiously glaring over at the dark area where the deep voice talked.

"Well not in that tone your not gonna get him. But anyway, weren't you worry about sweet Eleanor?" The deep voice spoke as a light popped over in front of the left dark spot to see Eleanor tied on a spinning wheel and hanging above a large shark tank. "ELEANOR!!!" Louis screamed running up besides me on the cage and hitting the bars.


Liam POV:

"Louis calm-"

"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN WHEN MY...GIRLFRIEND IS HANGING FROM A DAMN SHARK TANK!" He screamed at me with anger displayed on his face. I backed away from him letting him cool down. I sat by Niall and felt a little hurt.

"It's ok Liam, we're all pissed at this" Niall reassured me. I shook my head while Eleanor looked over at Louis distressed.

"Louis" She yelled with tears in her eyes looking scared for her life. "I'll get you! I just have to get out of here!" Louis yelled trying to break the bars. "No getting out of that solid cage" The deep voice laughed.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Louis demanded the deep voice to reveal herself. The dark spot where the deep voice came from was silent until, the deep voice was gone and a girl voice came through.

"Your killer" She said stepping forward into the light and I gaped my mouth surprised at who it was. Louis eyes widened so big that maybe they would fall out of there sockets.

"Hannah...why?" Louis mumbled as she strodded over at the cage with her blond hair falling over her shoulders and wore a hot pink jumpsuit. "Well you see, you can't break a heart without yours not getting a dent in it" Hannah smiled walking over getting face-to-face with Louis while he stood there in the cage.

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