Chapter 1---Venturing to the USA (Part 2)

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Chapter 1---Venturing to USA

I woke up with a loud bump of the road and I tumbled off my bottom bunk and on the hard carpet floor. My throat burned and my curls was tossed everywhere. I stood up from carpet and heaved up against the wooden wall that was on Louis's top bunk to make sure he didn't tumble off his bed.

His bed was vacant and so was Niall's and Liam's. I trudged out into the living room where I found Niall munching on some brisket that was in a basket and Louis taking a sip of his Yorkshire tea. "Woke up on the wrong side of the floor, eh?" Louis asked smirking over at me and resting his tea cup on the kitchen counter and walking over to the couch and sit with Liam.

I took a spot next to Liam who was twitting, not quite surprising. "No twit-cams!" Jimmy warned him as he nodded him off.

The van came to a halt and I hurried to my bedroom and slipped on a black blazer with a white polo under it and slipped on some jeans. When I came back I noticed all the lads went off the van and I hurried over to the open door and walked out with them into the blunt daylight that shimmered outside.

The airport was very barren and the only people there was our two bodyguards and flight attendants by a large plane.

"Welcome aboard" they greeted us with there wide smile and we went up the steps provided. Inside the plane, and aisle of cushioned dark red seats was lined up from left to right and mini TVs was placed on the back of each seat for entertainment. Each of us took our on individual seat since we were the only passengers besides the bodyguards.

"Get cozy and get ready to take flight!" A woman's voice came swooning from the speakers that were set up around near the door where the flight attendants flew the plane. I pulled up the arm rest up that divided the two seats and rested my head on the window and stretched out my legs.

I sat across from Niall, who was just eating peanuts and Louis was the seat behind me, and he just closed his eyes and listened to music on his iPod looking peaceful. Liam just sat there on his phone, probably texting Danielle that there gonna be on a mission and Zayn just gazed out the window.

Finally the plane took off and I just turned on the miniature television screen that was on the back of the right seat and pressed on the buttons besides its screen to tune into different channels. I stopped at a episode of Family Guy and got the headphones that was hanging under the TV and fit them on and drifted off into sleep to Family Guy.


"Good morning fellow passengers! GET READY FOR A SHOW. Not any show but the flight show show!" I heard Louis yell out the speakers and I fluttered my eyelids open to see Niall, Liam and Zayn being rudely awaken and not quite happy about it.

"Today, we are gonna play a game called WHICH PIGEON IS KEVIN!" Louis boomed with his excited voice came from the speakers and he came out with a micro-phone and dressed up in a tuxedo.

"Hmm...let's see, whose gonna volunteer?" Louis asked smirking at all of our tired faces. When no one volunteered, I stood up and reached my hand up.

"I VOLUNTEER AS A TRIBUTE!" I screeched joining in on Louis's plan to annoy the hell out of the boys. Louis looked pleased by my enthusiasm and motioned for me to join him. I walked up by his side and he patted my shoulder lightly.

"Now who else? C'mon folks! There's prizes waiting!!!" Louis yelled happily as Niall's eyes widen and quickly agreed to join. "Ok, here's the game plan. You guys need to look out the windows and observe the birds flying out the window and chose which bird is Kevin!!!" Louis explained pushing Niall and me towards a big window.

Birds flew outside the dawn sky that told me it was about two o'clock in the morning. Niall bite his lip looking at the birds and kept searching until he ended up pointing at a duck. "THERE'S KEVIN!" He screamed making Zayn nudge his head up from him trying to sleep but failed from Niall's screaming.

Louis looked over at the duck and laughed to himself."No no, my dear Nialler. THAT'S A DUCK! Now go get educated" he thudded the back of Niall's head to go sit down and Louis looked over at me.

"YOUR THE WINNER! Your prize is...." Louis lingered the sentence on trying to make me think. He grabbed a stuffed carrot out of his bag and threw it at my head and yelled, "A STUFFED CARRRRROTTT!!!". I giggled as Niall's faint laugh trembled in the background.

Suddenly, when we heard something come from the back door of the plane, Niall, Liam, and Zayn joined me and Louis up near the front room and we all leans against the attendant door and looked horrified at the noise. "W-w-who do you think it is?" Niall asked clutching Zayn's arm.

"Well, your daddy direction! YOU GO" Zayn said pushing Liam towards the middle of the plane near the end door. Liam grabbed the stuffed carrot from the ground and walked towards the door.

The back door swung open and a silhouette stood there and Niall, Zayn, and me and Louis all clung to each other for door life and there Liam stood bravely holding the carrot in front of him.

"I have a weapon!" He warned the figure and the silhouette came closer and Liam screamed and through the carrot at it and ran back. Louis stole some toliet paper and threw it down at the silhouette and we all joined in and soon the silhouette turned out to be Jimmy just coming from the back to check on us.

"STOP!" he screamed standing up and had toliet paper hanging off him as me and the lads retreated back to our seats and turned around to see his glare. He grumbled clenching his hands in balls of fist and just looked stoned face at us.

"We're sorry..." Louis said in a small voice. Jimmy's glare turned into a soft smile and accepted our apology. Then out of the blue, Billybob BobBilly came out in Pj pants that had bunnies on them and a bare chest and he clutched a teddy bear. "What was all that ruckus?" He asked us.

We broke into fits of laughter and fell back in our seats as Bilybob BobBilly just went in the back unpleased as Jimmy just grinned.

After a few minutes, the laughter died down and we all went back to sleep. Can't wait for our trip to Los Angeles.


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