Chapter 1---Venturing to USA (Part 1)

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Chapter 1---Venturing to USA

My head ached badly from sleeping one night in that crummy bunk bed that was under Louis. Across from our bunk beds was Liam and Niall who were fast asleep. I checked my clock on the table by my bed and it read "12:15 AM". I grumbled standing up and ducking under to get out of my bed.

I walked out to the kitchen where, not only me, but Zayn surely was sitting at the table drinking tea. "Well hello Chap. I see your awake" He whispered over to me as I took a seat by him.

"How far is the airport away?" I asked scratching my eyebrow with my eyes shut.

"I'd estimate about good six hours"

"Are we going to a far away one?" I asked impatiently.

"Yeah, because all the others near our area was crowd so we have to go to a secret airport a few hours away from England" Zayn said taking a sip of his tea and sitting back in the chair looking out the dark windows.

I let out a long yawn as I stretched my arms out and rested my head on the wide wooden table that wobbled around everytime the driver road over a bump.

"I better get some sleep or I'll be zonked in the morning" I whispered as I stood up and moved back towards the rooms. "G'night Zayn"

"Sweet dreams"


Five Agents (One Direction Fan Fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz