Chapter 4---California (Part 1)

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Chapter 4---California (Part 1)

Louis POV:

Fresh salt-water ocean air come out the open windows. We parked at a open slot park which expired from today to tomorrow so we had plenty of time to get what we had to do today.

First, we all changed into our beach clothes to blend in because people would suspect something with five guys and two bulky bodyguards wearing tuxedos on a hot beach in the summer. I grabbed the black duffel bag and slung it over my shoulder like I was carrying a sack of toys. Well diabolical toys that is.

"We're getting to split you lads up" BillyBob BobBilly explained the plan under a beach umbrella. "Gotthcha Billy" I said giving him a nickname.

"Liam you go with Niall and Zayn with me on guard. And Louis you are with Harry and Jimmy will babysit you guys"

"HEY! Why can't we be guarded like the other lads? Why 'babysit!?" I pouted to Billy. He chuckled to himself looking down at the sand. "Well as long as you don't eat the sand and play with sharks I'm sure you and Harry will do fine" Billy joked with me. I nudged him playfully as Harry just smiled down.

"Everyone got the plan?" Jimmy asked bringing back the serious matter. We all agreed and started to split up. Luckily, me and Hazza got the beach and Liam, Niall, and Zayn got the boardwalk. "WOOOO" I yelled grabbing out my surf board and swimsuit and raced Harry down to the beach almost stumbling over girls tanning on beach blankets.

"HEY WATCH IT!" A bleach blonde yelled at me for accidentally stepping on her ankle. Harry unfortunately, stumble over a old grandmother on the beach with saggy arms and outdated sunglasses.

"All poor little wooper snapper" She whined standing up and helping Harry up. He winked at her and brushed some sand off his legs and his bare chest. "Thanks" He said winking at her and I could tell under her thick sunlotion, she was blushing.

"Hey Haz you got a new girlfriend there?" I laughed walking over by him and the elder lady smiled and did a weird high pitched giggle. Suddenly, a old man came by her side and took off his fish hat and slapped Harry on his curly head. "THAT'S MY WOMAN!" The elderly man yelled at Harry.

We started retreating towards the ocean and away from the elderly couple and when I looked back I could see the woman wasn't happy. "Well you officially got hit by a older man for winking at his woman" I laughed sitting on the wet damp sand next to Harry.

Water cleansed our feet as chills crept up my spine. "It's chilly" I cooed walking back up with Harry to the dry sand.

"Wait, where's Jimmy" Harry asked scanning around our area but no Jimmy found in sight. Me and Harry were like a mother duck loosing her ducklings searching for Jimmy.

"Oh, no no this isn't happening!" I said getting stressed out and dizzy from the hot rays. I collapsed next to Harry on the burning dry sand. I felt like a orange icicle on a hot day, melting at my core. I coughed roughly and I could tell both of us was dehydrated and didn't have any money to spend and lost our babysitter.

I started closing my eyes as sand started picking up in the breezy air and the last thing I heard was Harrys heartbeat next to me.


L A T E R...

I woke up at a tiki hut with bamboo ceiling and a locked door in front us. I seemed to be laying on a giant rug that seemed to be different stitching of beach blankets. Besides me, Harry layed still unconscious. I stood up and the hut wasn't quite big but big enough for me to stand up as walk around.

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