Chapter 4---California (Part 2)

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Chapter 4---California (Part 2)

I turned around to see who the person was. Shockingly, it was Eleanor!

"Some sucker stranded me here and I found this cave" She said walking us. She grabbed my hands playing with my silky skin. Her skin was rough and her hair was matted down. The beautiful Eleanor I came to know and cherished, turned into a messy haired torn up person.

"Take as much as golden dust as you want, as long as I can get out of this cave" Eleanor coughed resting on a near by rock. I went over my her side and caressed her face.

Her eyes seemed not as bright and shiny as they use to be and her shirt was cut off so her belly button and flat stomach could show. She tied back the shirt and her shorts where very tattered. "We'll get you out of here, I promise" I say kissing her cheek softly as she grinned mischievously.

I double tapped my pocket and took out one of my patches and put on her ankle. "You can breathe underwater now. But be careful, you only have two hours" I said brushing back a piece of her damp hair behind her ear. Harry pulled me over to one corner of the cave to speak to me privately.

"I don't think I can trust her...she seems very untrustworthy" Harry glared over at Eleanor while brushed her fingers through her hair.

My mouth gaped open. I was flabbergasted at what I was hearing. "Haz, she's my girlfriend. Eleanor. Not one of those evil minions Mighty H. We can trust her" I said getting angry at him. "Are you mad?" He asked frowning in dismay. I started to walk back towards Eleanor until he gripped my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Louis, I shouldn't insist such exaggerating hypothesis. I should feel a shamed of myself" Harry said looking worried about how I would think of him.

"It's fine. Don't feel ashamed, you'll always be a great man to me" I turned around patting his shoulder smiling. "Louuuuu can I tell you something?" She cooed sparkling dust on her legs and arms.

I walked over my Eleanor and sat by her side. "Come closer..." She whispered as I came in closer contact. "Closer..." She mumbled until I was inches away from her lips. Then, next thing I knew she grabbed my collar and pulled me into a embracing kiss that made my heart rate skyrocket.

Her lips moved perfectly on mine as she gripped her hands on my neck resisting not to let go. My lips seemed to be molding into her and I couldn't break loose, no matter how hard I tried to pull away.

"Elll" I tried to speak but her tongue kept wrestling around in my mouth not letting me get a word out. Suddenly, Harry ran over and pushed Eleanor off me.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!!!" Eleanor whined with tears in her eyes. My mouth was sore from all that lip action she had with me. "You had had a bloody knife almost about to stick it in his back!!!!" Harry's voice echoed through the cave. She glared up at him like she was shooting him daggers.

"No I wasn't you foolish twat!" Eleanor cried as I crawled over by her and started rocking her to calm her down. "Harry, I told you not to be so paranoided! She's my girlfriend and she would never kill me" I yelled at him. He seemed so angry, he grabbed a giant rock and threw it down on the surface of the cave and it dissented into millions of minerals and some flung on Eleanor. She coughed gripping my waist.

"Your a sick monster!" He spattered at her with a despicable look like he could shoot her rigth then and there. "I'm no monster! Your a accusing lying prick who doesn't know from right from wrong!" She yelled at him with her face flaming red.

He started running up towards her about to fling a punch until I slapped him away from her. Harry flew back on the floor, hurt from the powerful slap I gave him from hitting Eleanor.

Then oddly enough, Eleanor started laughing uncontrollably. "El, are you ok?" I asked confused. She grinned widely at me. "Just grand..." She muttered holding my chin up to look into my eyes.

Harry still layed on the floor, groaning in pain. "Your so unpredictable you know. Never really know what's gonna happen next" Eleanor said popping up away from my side and brushing off the dirt on her shorts and cut off shirt. "What do you mean....babe" I said still confused at her actions.

"Your so adorable" She said walking behind me picking up something I didn't notice. "And so breakable-"

"WATCH OUT!" Harry shouted over as I looked behind me to see Eleanor have a knife about to stab me but I flung myself out of the way and right besides Harry. She ended up stabbing the ground instead. Eleanor gritted her teeth in frustration.

"Eleanor...why were you about to-"

"I'M NOT ELEANOR YOU ARSE HOLE!" She screamed at me.

"Then w-w-who are y-you?" Harry stuttered.

"Jane, Eleanor's twin" She grinned evilly at us standing up above us. Twin? "Too much explaining but story short, I was sent here to kill you" Jane emphasized 'kill' tapping the point of her knife. Me and Harry stumbled to our feet and backed up as Jane came closer and closer towards us.

"And that's exactly what I'm going to do" She grinned coming closer towards us as we backed up into the wall, awaiting our sudden death.

"Not on my watch" Andrea's voice said behind Jane. She turned around to see Andrea carrying a dagger and fierce eyes. "Oh look, another victim to kill. How joyful will this be?" Jane chirped tickled as pink.

Andrea glare at her as she ran and slapped Jane away from me and Harry so we could escape. Jane smiled getting up and tripping Andrea so she'd stumble on the ground.

Andrea stood back up and sliced Jane's skin a little making a bloody dent. Jane giggled taking a fingertip of blood and tasting it. I wrinkled my nose in disgust at her as me and Harry jumped into the water. "No pain, no game" Jane said kicking Andrea down and standing on top of her. Me and Harry watched this all unravel.

"Not now, not ever" Andrea muttered kicking her legs up on Jane's stomach which flew her back against the wall and she slid down defeated. Andrea noticed the patch and sliced it off, with her flesh alway with it.

"Rot in hell" Jane slurred pinned to the wall with blood dripping down her forehead. "Gladly" Andrea smiled stabbing her dagger into Jane's shorts making her unable to rip.

Andrea walked back towards us and slipped into the water with me and Harry. "That. Was....AWESOME!" Me and Harry said in unison smiling widely.

"Yeah, yeah, let's just get to the speed boat-"

"Wait!" I stopped Andrea and got back in the cave and took some golden dust in my chest pocket. "Can't forget the fuel" I said jumping into the water. Andrea ordered us to go back and we let her guide us back to the speed boat.

After putting the golden dust into the speed boat, we made it back to the dock in time. Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Billy was waiting for us. "Got the hint?" Jimmy asked helping me, Andrea, and Harry out of the speed boat and onto the wooden dock.

"Yup" Niall answered passing Jimmy the hint.

"The enemy has relations with one of the five Agents" Jimmy read eyeing me and the rest of the lads. We all shrugged and retreated back to the van where we were gonna sleep at 'til the morning when we had to drive to the second to last destination.

Hopefully New York City is better than our experience in Cali.

Five Agents (One Direction Fan Fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz