Chapter 6---Texas

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Chapter 6---Texas

Niall's POV:

We finally made it into Texas, after surviving listening to country and Louis's horrible silly dancing. We all wore brown hats, and tight leather pants and cow fur shirts to blend into the crowd. Let me tell you, the leather pants are not the best things to wear when your in hundred degrees weather.

I could see Andrea was excited for some reason. And I could tell that Zayn had a wee little crush on her. Hmm very interesting. "Alright y'all better have enough dern sleep to last the horse riding" Jimmy joked around making a country accent. Horse riding?!

"Ummm why can't we just take the van instead of horses?" I asked frowning at the sight of me getting hitched off a horse. Jimmy smiled shaking his head while opening the door and seven horses where standing in front of us.

"I CALL THE CHECKERED ONE!" Harry called out getting up on the horse with the harness on he horse. Louis picked a white horse with one black dot on its forehead. Zayn picked a black horse with white horse hair and tail. Liam chose an original brown horse. And I was stuck with a short, gray horse that gave me the evil eye.

I stepped up and sat on the horse and it neighed deep throatedly that made me hestistant to get off the horse. "Let's go boys" Billy told us as him and Jimmy got honey colored brown horses that guided us.

As we rode down with the horses, my gray horse started to get faster and faster. "Calm down Gray Moon" I named it holding tightly on the harness on the horse that made my hands red.

Andrea took a all black horse along side by my crappy horse. "Is he not participating well?" She asked looking down at Gray Moon. Sweat beaded off my head as we trailed farther and farther with Gray Moon kicking dirt while I was riding it leaving dust clouds behind Andrea. She coughed and I apologized immediately blushing. Andrea nodded it off and my horse just got more devilishly.

Then, out of no where, a crowd of cowboys came riding towards us as we stopped the horses and they circled around us. I gulped watching them thow there ropes around in the air and they caught Jimmy and Billy in them. We were completely frozen with fright not making any attempt because I could see they had pistols in there pockets.

"Now y'all listen to us! Or your precious bodyguards get the rope" One of the cowboys hollered tightening the rope they had around our bodyguards. "One by one, you come up and we tie your hands behind your backs. GOT IT?" Another cowboy asked eyeing us. We all nodded while we all let them tie us up and take us to there area.

I guess all the lads was as frightened as I was because they would of tried I escape but no going back now. They already had us in a empty plain where there were long logs and we where tied tightly enough that we couldn't escape if we tried.

Besides me, I saw another guy with black hair and he looked not as scared as we were but enough to listen. When Andrea got her eyes on him she almost cried. "J-J-Justin?" She stutters choking down the fright.

"Whose Justin?" Zayn asked confused looking over at Andrea. She looked a little shameful. "My...boyfriend" She answered looking down at the grass as I could tell Zayn's heart was shattered. "What are you doing her Andrea?" Justin asked frowning at us tied up.

"I went with there mission. What are YOU doing here?" She asked over at him even more puzzled. "I went to look for you because I thought Mighty H caught you and I was about to leave my hometown, Texas until these cowboys captured me" He snarled looking up at the chunky cowboys.

After a few minutes of silence, the cowboys stood up from the logs and stared down at us evilly. "Now, do you wanna get burned or shot?" One with a long beard reaching down from his chest asked looking proudly down at us.

"I CHALLENGE U TO A DUAL!" I yelled bravely ruffling my rope. The one with the long beard came face-to-face with me. "You wanna challenge me? To what? Whose got the prettiest eyes contest pretty boy?" He muttered in my face as I could tell he has been drinking to much whiskey. I flinched away from his face.

"No...I want to challenge you to a ukulele contest and if I win, you untie my friends. If you win, you kill us" I smiled proudly as the beard dude smiled with his two front teeth missing and one tooth with a hole in it. "Untie Mr. pretty boy and if he tries to escape, shoot him" The beard guy demanded one of the smaller guys who unraveled the rope off me and handed me a ukulele.

I held it to my chest and noticed that this might not be as difficult as I thought. The beard guy got a ukulele and started playing strumming the ukulele like the easier thing in the world. Maybe I was wrong. I strummed it making a uneasy tune that made the other cowboys laugh. I half-smiled as I let the beard guy go.

He strummed so fast that I couldn't tell it was his fingers. Finally, I heard someone yelp from the crowd before I strummed. "GO NIALLER GO!" Liam chanted smiling. I smiled back and then strummed the ukulele more professionally and it sounded pretty good to me. The beard guy frowned at the sudden chant.

"GO NIALLER GO!" Everyone started chanting as we started strumming together quickly. I started showing off by strumming it behind my back then under my legs. And then started hopping around with it strumming it smiling proudly. The beard guy gritted his teeth playing harder and louder trying to out tune me. But as long as everyone chanted there was no chance of me losing.

"GO NIALLER GO!" Everyone kept going and I did the last strums and the beard guy's face got as red as a cherry and fell back on the log and passed out from all the intensity. The cowboys threw there hats down at the ground disappointed. I jumped five feet in the air lifting the ukulele higher in the sky smiling widely.

The cowboys untied all of us and when they were about to let us, they invited us for a drink at one of there bars. "Good job. You aren't bad pretty boy! You'll be on my side for now" The beard guy patted my back hard as we walked over to a bar and I smiled happily.

As we took seats at the stools, my glass didn't have beer, instead it had a slip of paper. I picked it up and read it. "Might H is located in Paris, where she works at the Eiffel tower and captured Eleanor" I gasped telling Jimmy and Billy. Louis ran up to me and read the last sentence and got angry. "SHE'S GONNA DIE!" He screamed getting red.

"Calm down, we'll get her Boo" Harry told Louis patting his back. After a few drinks, we said good-bye to our cowboy friends and rode back to the airport. Hopefully no more skydiving this time!

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