Ch. 38: Solutions

Start from the beginning

I rolled my eyes.

Really, Gail? He doesn't know he killed a man? No, two. And possibly even three, since you still don't know what Joe did to that police officer back at the gas station. He. Doesn't. Know! Hah. But you should've known. He's never asked about where you guys were, or why you were there. He's completely locked up in the encyclopedia world, not really paying attention to what's going on around him. Quite fascinating, actually.

"We are fugitives. We..."

Stop! You can't tell him he's a murderer?!

"We sold drugs and made a few bad decisions, that's all. But we can't tell anyone who we are. That's why we have false passports."

"False passports?!"

"Yup. From now on, we're Cuban, and my name is Aleydis Grancino and yours is... Uhm..."

I reached into the glove compartment for his papers.

"Marco Escamillo."

I handed both our passports to him, and he immediately scanned them like a pro.

"Oh, and we're on our way from Morocco to Spain, if you wondered."

He was quiet for a long time, and I watched the guards came to an agreement with the angry driver. Then he drove off, and the car right in front of us was next. Dear God.

"Morocco is one of the largest producers of illicit hashish, and one of the major sources of income for families in Morocco's Northern Rif region is cannabis, also called marijuana cultivation. In fact, the word "reefer" derives from the word rif. The cannabis, known in Arabic as kif, is then processed and sold as hashish."

I rolled my eyes. Of course he had to come up with something like that...

"But we didn't deal with drugs here, we..."

I didn't get any further, because he continued as if he hadn't heard me.

"Also, Morocco is only eight miles from Europe, across the Strait of Gibraltar, which I suppose we've been traveling now."

"Shut up, Geeks, and find out how to get passed these guys instead."

The car in front of us went passed them, and it was our turn, and we were met by two strict men, who looked like they were ready to chew our heads off. But the second I was rolling down the window, Annie started crying. And since the car wasn't moving, she got louder by the minute. But I nodded politely to the guard, and gave him my passport, while Geeksy gave his to the other guard on his side of the car. Then they asked something in Spanish. But since Annie was bawling in the back seat, I couldn't hear what it was. So the guard leaned forward, and asked the same question again, loudly.

"¿Que vas a hacer en España?"
(What are you doing in Spain?)

"Vacaciones," I mumbled, more concerned about Annie.

"¿A donde vas?"
(Where are you heading?)

What does that mean again? Think fast, Gail! Yeah, but Annie is crying! I can't focus. Listen to her. She's so sad. She wants her mommy.

"Uhm..." I started turning around in the seat, trying to reach out my hand to Annie for comfort, but it didn't help. And because she was placed right behind me, it was impossible to get to her.

"Can you lift her up, Gee... Uhm. Marco?" I whispered loudly so they couldn't hear that I spoke English, and elbowed Geeksy, that was answering all the questions the guard asked in fluent Spanish. I had no clue what they were talking about.

"Marco! Get Annie for me!" I hissed silently.
"She's hungry."

He looked at me, a bit anxious, but did as told. And as soon as Annie got lifted up from her baby seat and placed in my arms, I unbuttoned my shirt and pulled out my boob, to silence her.

It worked. And it also silenced the guard, who got so perplexed that he forgot what he'd asked.

"Uhm... Ella hambre," I mumbled, hoping that I sounded somewhat Cuban, and watched him grow neon red from neck up.
(She's hungry)

"S-si. Claro. Es... A-Aqui esta tu pasaporte. Bienvenido a España."
(Yes, of course. Here are your passport. Welcome to Spain.)

He nodded to the other guard, and signed for us to drive. But since Annie literally was attached to my breast, that was easier said than done.

"Switch," I whispered to Geeksy, and both of us got out of the car, me, with my boob at full display, and all the men nearby blushing like crazy, Geeksy included. Then we got in the car, and drove off.

Nice move, Annie. Nice move.

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