
625 19 31

100% | Part One

Justin's POV

I woke up this morning with Selena's arms around me. Her chest was pressed against mine as she sleeps soundly above me. If this sight ain't precious, I don't know what it is.

A smile touched my lips as I recall everything that happened last night. Last night was the best night of my life and forever sealed to my memories. To my heart.


I look down to see Selena staring up at me, pushing out her bottom lip. I quirk my eyebrow, tempted to kiss those lips. “Keep calling me honey and I show what's sweet and sticky.”

She grinned. “Good morning you too... honey.”

I flipped her over to her back, then showed her what she's looking for. After that, we had shower together—our first shower together. We didn't do much, just normally washing each other and laugh when it tickles. Selena was amazing and I look forward to many firsts with her, through the rest of my life, I guess.

“Are you going to be home early? I heard you are performing tonight?” Selena asked, grabbing a sandwich and stuffing her mouth. She leaned against the counter eating her breakfast but it looks so much more to me. Gosh, this woman's mine. Officially?

I'm not certain with that. I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend. Maybe I did, but I want it now since she's officially single, sort of. But there's one thing I really know myself, she's in love with me. And I in her.

I didn't answer right away. I just stride towards her direction and stopped right in front of her. She looks at me with confusion in her brown eyes.

I sighed, sadly. “Won't be home. And even if I do, it'll be late.”

She tries to hide the frown that's pending to show up in her beautiful face. But I still can see it. So, I reach to wrap my arms around her, tucking her face in my chest.

I smiled down at her trying to cheer her up. “But you can join me. You know? Watch your honey perfom in front of thousands of people but...your honey will only be looking at you.”

Honey. Just this morning I hated that nickname. For everyone else it woul sound endearing. Selena was endearing me. But for some reason, I thought that nickname doesn't suit me. Yes, my mom calls me that but it's not same as that. It sounds so cheesy and corny for me. Feels like I am whipped for that label. But it was true, wasn't it? I am basically whipped in love with Selena. I can be cheesy and corny if she wants me to. And I'm really growing on that nickname. I now like it, if not love.

“D-Did you just call y-yourself my h-honey?” Selena can't believe it. She's hysterically laughing in my arms. I nodded proudly.

“Oh, gosh! What am I doing to you? You're being so soft,” Selena giggled, burying her face deeper in my front that muffles her silly noises.

I just smiled, loving the feeling of her in my arms. Hugs are really the best you love the person you are attached with. “I love you, my honey.”

Selena still giggled when I said that. “Love you too, my honey.”

Hearing that, I sighed contently. I close my eyes just feeling her and us together. I snap my eyes open when I remembered something. I retract my head, just putting a small space between us.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” I whispered. “Officially this time?”

Her eyes were filled with joy as she slightly nod her head. “Yes, Justin.” She tiptoes to kiss my lips, briefly but meant so much for both of us. “Officially this time.”

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