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Selena's POV

"I thought you're really going to abandon me," Zayn said as he pulled out his bottom lip, pouting at me like a kid. He opened his arms and I slide in his arms, wrapping myself to his body. I really needed a hug like this.

"I missed you," I whispered to him. He sighed before he let me go. He step back and scan me from toes up to my face. His eyes were narrowed like he's confused about something.

"What?" I asked out of curiosity.

He sighed again, before stepping forward and embracing me again. "Something's off about you." His hands were on my hair and it somehow soothes me. "Is it work-related? Are they giving you a hard time? Because if they are then I'd have to kick some asses because you looked amazing for their campaign."

I shake my head slightly as I chuckled. Everything about my work was going awesome. I just signed for puma and I'm receiving more offers and even with my singing. I've been receiving collaboration offers and my manager has been in heaven about that. So, it's defiantly not about work. I shorten it saying, "no. They're awesome. No need for your ass kicking skills."

I expected him to laugh but he did not. He looked like he wants to ask more and I'm hoping he'll just drop it. Instead of interrogating, he just let me go and tug me to the kitchen. I smelled something delicious that makes my stomach growl. Then I realized he cooked for me. He made me chicken marsala and some lasagna and he didn't forget about the container of my favorite goodies alongside.

"You're amazing!" I reach up to kiss his cheek. He smirked at me, shaking his head. ''It's not for you, sis. I have a date and I just want you to see it."

I was gawking at him and I was ready to kick his balls but after a moment he starts to laugh. "Gotcha! You looked like you've been bruised!"



So, what's really happening with you?" Zayn asked occupying the space beside. I glance at him then shrug my shoulders. I don't really want to talk about this.

"Come on. Maybe I can help."

I force out a smile, "I am fine. Really."

"Is it about Justin? I realized you haven't mention anything about him since you got here. And it's weird. Because you were like always talking about him almost every time. What happen? Or what did he do?"

I wanted to lie. But like Justin said, lying would do no good. I bite my lip before replying, "we had a fight."

He hummed. "Over what?"

"Unanswered texts and a phone call."

"It's typical. Tell me about it."

I throw my head back on the couch and sigh. "It was. But there's just something off about it. I feel like he's hiding something from me."

Zayn's brow drawn together in confusion. I'm so glad he didn't come to a guess that Justin may be cheating on me. Because if Zayn did, it'll be harder to convince myself to think he's not. I let it all out. I told Zayn everything. He listened to me and seems to ponder to my every confusion.

"He was lying right under my nose. He was pretty good at it. I wonder why," I bitterly said.

"Maybe he has good intentions to it?" he made a face. No, not the face of anything related to disdain, it's a face like he's taking his side.

"If he really has good intentions then he wouldn't lie."

"Sometimes people have to do it," he is really taking Justin's side.

"Do you know about this?" I finally asked. The thought of Zayn knowing about this came in my mind after I told him Justin phoned Madison. He looked like something else when I told him about that but I just ignored it. And now, I can't bare it anymore.


Justin's POV

"Uh, hello?" Madison answered, her voice was raspy and sort of grumbled, maybe she just woke up or she was just tired. I stopped pacing around my living room and finally settle on my couch.

"Hey," I replied shortly. I heaved out a sigh and said, "why did you tell her?"

"Her who?"


Her response was immediate. "Because she's your girlfriend. I didn't know you didn't tell her that you are talking to me. She asked me how did I know about your secret relationship and I told her that you told me. Is there something wrong?"

I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. "She thought about it in a wrong way. She thinks I'm hiding something from her."

She giggled, "aren't you hiding something from her?"

I rolled my eyes at that remark. "Yes, I'm hiding about that and you must shut up about it. Now, can you please talk to her? We had a fight and now she won't answer my calls and replies late at my texts. Please."

"I can't believe I have Justin Bieber begging for me."

I groaned. I know she's just playing with me and I know she's just some kind of a flirt. "Just do it."

She agreed and hung up. I just sit there thinking about Selena. I know as pussy whipped as it sounds, I miss Selena so fucking much even though it's just been a whole. It only has been twenty four hours and I have been in hell. Besides that she's not with me it only makes me worry so much about her being upset. I really wish I could tell her but I am sure it is not the right time.

Needing to know about Selena, I decided to call Zayn. She's staying with Zayn and it calms me to know.

"Hey, man." Zayn said.

"Hi, I just-"

Zayn quickly cut me off and answered my unasked question. "She's fine, dude. She's sad but she manages, I can tell that she misses you as much as I know you do. She's upstairs probably dressing for work but she told me she's gonna meet with Charlie first."

"Charlie," I sighed.

"You know that she's not going back to him because she's all yours. You don't have anything to worry about. However, they still need to talk and fix their misunderstanding and finally, hopefully, have a decent closure."

"Do you know where they are meeting?"

"Bro, can you calm down? Selena doesn't like creeps. You better not be one." He was laughing at me. Then he continues with serious voice-at least he tries to. "Just let her do this alone. She's an adult and can do her things with herself. Because in the end, she'll be home."

I'll be her home.

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