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Selena's POV

I woke up with the sunlight peeking through the creamy curtains directly hitting my eyes. I squinted, before blinking my eyes open. A bright smile appears on my face when I noticed I am tangled with a shirtless guy-man, with the name, Justin Drew Bieber.

My legs are lain above his, my arms over his tinted and broad chest while his large arms snaking around my waist. I don't know how we ended with this position but I don't even care since I like it. We usually just sleep on the same bed-just snuggling a little closer, but not this really close and really tangled together- since the day he kissed me and confessed about his feelings. Until now, it feels so surreal to me.

I watch him sleep. It's a creepy thing to do-well, at least I think it's creepy- but I just can't take my eyes off his sleeping self. He looks so peaceful and manly beautiful, like an unproblematic ass without care of other people's opinions and shits with the mixture of I-want-to-lock-you-up-and-kiss-you-until-you're-out-of-breath face. He looks seriously innocent and sexy at the same time. I bring my hand in his hair, lacing it in between my fingers, massaging it softly. My smile suddenly drops. I've been doing a lot of thinking and...

What the hell am I doing?

This man...

He said he's still in love with me. He said he never stopped. But... What happened with the two years without communication?

I knew I ignored him really bad, blocked him in my everything, refused to see him even he flew just to see me. Yeah, he flew all the way from LA to see me. You know what I did? I didn't even spare him a glance. He was outside our house, begging the hell out of me to talk to him. I ignored it. But freak, he stayed for a week. He slept outside-probably inside his car. This is a very bitch side of me but I didn't do anything about it. I even told my mom not to talk to him and even my brother. They didn't listen to my bitch side, at least they didn't let him come inside the house. To make this shorter, I just let him give up on me. And you wonder how I felt about it? I was upset, very upset. I thought he didn't really love me but I just got into a realization that he didn't deserve what my bitch side did. I was sorry for him for that one, but the pain and the hatred stayed still for two years.

And how about all the girls he'd been with? All those girls... Did they mean anything to him? They looked so much fun. Were they only just got fun? A rebound, maybe?

Am I the only one hearing his 'I love yous'? Am I the only one? Am I ready to trust him again?

...But how about myself? My current life, my relationship... I am with Charlie... But what the hell am I doing with Justin?

What I am doing with Justin is technically considered as cheating-even we only kissed and all. This is a secret affair, and I wanted to be in it. Maybe this is why I can't tell Charlie that I love him...because somehow I still belong to someone who's not him. I know I'll hurt someone at the end and I'm afraid that he'd be Justin. It is definitely unfair to Charlie, I don't want to break his heart. He'd done nothing bad to me. He stayed with me, made me happy with his ways, held me when I need someone. What am I doing with Charlie? Am I just using him?

Is this how cruel I am now?

Using men to-

"Stop thinking. Just remember what I said. Baby, I'm not pressuring you. I'm not asking you anything. I'm not saying you have to love me back right away. I will understand. I love you, Selena Marie. Now, good morning," Justin nuzzled his face on my neck, lightly placing a soft kiss on the skin. My insides fluttering with his words. I snuggled closer, pushing the thoughts on the back of my mind.

"Morning," I finally say, with a smile on my lips.

He moved his head back, looking up at me. "I knew you were staring," he flash me his sexy grin, bringing butterflies in my stomach.

I blush, "You're quite a beautiful view."

He chuckles, "Not as beautiful as you." He kissed the tip of my nose softly. He aimed to kiss my lips but I gently push him away.


I blush, once again. "Morning breath."

He just laugh at that. He ignored me, still going for a kiss. When he successfully did, I lost myself.


A few days went by and it's the time for us to leave. Justin took our bags and stuffed it in the cab, while I say goodbyes to the people I will miss so much. The girls-Perrie, Leigh, Jade and Jesy dropped off this morning handing me their handmade letters and 'good wishes' about my relationship with Justin. These passed days, I always gotten tease about it and can't help but flush pink. Harry stopped by yesterday, catching up with me a little bit more since the last time... I was pretty occupied. Niall and the guys sent me texts, too.

I couldn't help but cry. Gracie hold me tight also crying. She promised me to be good to mom and always obey her-which is most unlikely to happen, but who knows? My sister's feisty and sassy but I know she's also this sweet little creature.

I bid my mom a goodbye, hugging her tightly and gently kissing her cheeks. "I'll miss you, mom."

She smiles, "I'll miss you too, honey."

When we pulled back, my mom's staring and smiling at someone beside me. And arm circles around my waist and I knew it's Justin.

I think my mom didn't mind as she smiles at Justin adoringly.

"Goodbye, Mrs. Teefey. It's nice seeing you again." he says politely.

My mom laugh at him, honestly I would too.

"Very formal, Justin. Just call me Mandy... or... mom," she winks at me. I flushed red, biting down on my lip.

Why would my mom say that?

Is she... referring him...


Justin responds with a laugh, pulling me closer at him as if he's claiming me as his in front of my mother's eyes. "Well, it was nice seeing you again," Justin turned me to look at him and winks, "mom."

Sorry for a filler up there 👆
Anyway, THANK YOU!
I've got no shits to tell today 'cuz my day's quite... gloomy.
Now now, please make me smile!
Lol 😂

Okay okay...


(you can mention him/her if you want)

[ I know most of you won't spill the name soooo... I'm not really expecting :( ]

Me: ....hope my friends won't see this but....ugh...I just think he's cute and funny... Ugh, his name's Joshua... :P
I'm done!

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