Ch. 32 ~So Close~

Start from the beginning

There was a time in my life when I had everything I wanted. But the saddest part about it wasn't losing it but instead not cherising every moment of it. I was a fool who took every day of his perfect life for granted.

"I was an idiot, " I mutter with a bitter smile.

Taking a deep breath I hang back the picture frame when I heard the slamming of the door downstairs. Slipping out of the hallway upstairs I made my way down with hands stuff in the pocket of my jeans.

"Right there, " I raise my eyebrows at the familiar voice moaning. "Don't stop Shawn. "

Just as I entered the living room I saw a young man taking off his shirt and a familiar young brunette under him on the couch with lustful eyes.

"Excuse me, " I cough with my eyes on the ceiling.

"Y/N?! "

"Hey Camz, " I said with a smile, my eyes still on the ceiling. This couldn't get any more embarassing. "Can I speak with you for a few minutes? "

There was silence for a few seconds then muttered voices before the sound of footsteps approached me.

"My name is Shawn, " I nodded my head still not looking down. Shawn chuckle. "It's okay man. We're both dressed. "

"Oh okay. " I said. Shawn wore a black shirt with jeans. "Thanks. "

"I'll leave you both to it. " Shawn nodded his head to Camila. "See you tomorrow Mila. "

As Shawn left I could feel the piercing look from Camila.

"Come here Y/N, " Camila's words is followed by a tired sigh. "Let's talk. "

I sat at the other couch in front of Camila. To be honest I half expected for the Latina to shout at me and the other half to slap me again for my idioticy but not this.

"How are you? " Camila ask studying my face then down the rest of my body. "I don't see anything broken - that's a good sign I take it. "

"Good, " I answered honestly. "I feel good. Some wear and tear but overall good. "

Camila nodded as she lean back in the couch. "Before anything, I just want to say sorry about slapping you. It was uncalled for. "

I shook my head, "No you were right to have slap my stupid self. I never meant any word I said that day. "

"Friends? " Camila ask hesitantly.

"Always dork, " I grin.

Camila smiled widely and hug me after choosing to sit next to me. My heart warmed at the thought of having my best friend back.

"Okay, " I said laughing when the clingy girl hasn't stop hugging. "I do need to talk to you, Camz. "

"Okay okay, " Camila broke the hug and she still has that wide smile. "What do you need? "

"Let's talk about Camren, "


I shove my freezing hands into the pockets of my coat. The air was getting colder as the moon hangs high in the sky. Sometimes, I hate-love Christmas. In the past I love it since there's no work and I could rest my worn out body but I also hated it cause I had no one to spend it with. Seeing and hearing all the plans people made with their loved ones just never failed to bring the emptiness inside.

"That was before, " I reminded myself. "I'm not alone. Never alone anymore. "

I circled the busy park as I try to control the clenching and bubbling feeling inside my stomach. In a few days Christmas will arrive - in that day it's do or die.

Christmas lights already hang from post to post inside the park. At the middle of the park where the stone fountain was now stood a twenty-feet tall Christmas tree with bright colorful lights. I could already picture little kids pulling their parents towards it and pointing at the bright star atop.

After circling the park I sat at the bench where it all started. Releasing a breath I relax my stiff shoulder and look at the empty sky above.

There's so many things people want in the world. Parents want safety for their children; Teens wants freedom for themselves; And lonely people like me just craves a place to go home to.

"That's with her, " I said to the sky. "She's so close, but I just can't hold her. "

I close my eyes. We're not friends - I know that for sure; We're not lovers; We're not even close to being associate's.

"We met at the park. " I muse like an old man. "We're just two perfect strangers. Yeah, people who changed each others lives. "

The sky looks so beautiful at night.

A/N: Late update and all but ehhh I hope you guys enjoyed. I also dedicate this chapter to hnnhsoup for being a good reader and all hahaha. Thanks for reading guys!

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