Chapter 15: There's a New Badass In Town

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So, here you were! Avoiding anymore Wendigos in a shitty Wendigo-infested mine, following a wolf with a pistol and a plank of wood, as everyone does at some point in there life. Things were looking pretty grim.

The wolf proved to be surprisingly helpful and knew his way around. His? Her? They? Xe xem? You did not know how wolf genders worked, but you would rather not offend the wolf, so you were gonna stick with they for now, gender neutral and not assuming gender. At least you think.

You must have made a weird face because Mike looked confused, but you shook your head and kept walking. Now was not the time to contemplate Wolfie's gender.

You adjusted your grip on the wooden plank and prepared to hit any Wendigos upside the head. You opted to give Mike the gun so you didn't accidentally blow his or Wolfie's brains out when facing more Wendigos.

You had searched high and low for a new weapon. You were lucky enough to find a broken wooden barricade that allowed for easy access to a broken wooden plank that was easy to rip off.

You did not want to be the Wendigo that got impaled on the broken end of this and you almost felt bad for any Wendigo you might splinter. If it even worked... worst case scenario you just swing it like a bat. Now, you never joined the softball team, but did play baseball recreationally with your cousins for fun and you had a damn (dam 😂) good swing!

You and Mike turned a corner and were about to enter a room when you heard a small metal clang. You readied the plank and Mike aimed at a can on the floor. A mouse scurried out and you both breathed a sigh of relief... only to turn and see a Wendigo on a table.

The Wendigo launched for you both, but you swung and hit it square in the face. Home run! You didn't know if Wendigos had genders, but you honestly didn't care about offending this fucker. Mike took aim and shot the Wendigo. It tried to stand up, but you swung again, harder this time, and hit its head off. "Strike three, you're out you fuckstick!"

Mike stared at you wide eyed for a moment before muttering, "Holy shit, my best friend's a fucking badass."

Hell yeah you were! Sit the fuck down Chris, there's a new badass in town!

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