Chapter 5: Up the Mountain

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***** Sorry for not updating! I have been busy lately and couldn't find time or inspiration to write, but I finally updated! Life has just been pretty crap lately but I'm good and back so lets do this!*****

When you three got into the cable car, Chris decided to tell a story about how he and Josh meant. You had heard this story millions of times from both Josh and Chris, but you always liked the way Chris told the story better. You thought he made the story more humorous while Josh told it like he was more bored than interested in the story. 

You decided to tune out the story and look at the mountain out the cable car window. You always loved looking at the view when you would visit the mountain before, but looking at it now gave you a feeling of dread. The memories the view reminded you of brought a sad smile to your face as you remembered the good old days. But you knew you could never get those days back. Not with the twins missing.

You turned back to Sam and Chris just in time to hear Chris say, "Boom, butterfly affect." You rolled your eyes playfully and smiled. Chris loved the idea of the butterfly affect and repeatedly spoke about it at least once a say. You playfully judged him every time he talked about it, but you couldn't say you weren't interested in it too at least a little bit. You were shaken from your thoughts when the cable car came to a stop.

You, Sam, and Chris stepped out of the car into the station. You reached for the door handle only to find not the door handle but Chris's hand. You blushed and quickly pulled your hand back, trying to control your emotions. For Ashley, you thought. Chris just smiled at you and apologized. Sam smirked at you and actually turned the door knob only to find it locked. You cursed under your breath.

You jumped when Sam banged on the door. You looked out the station window to see Jessica looking at you three, startled. Oh no, this bitch, you thought, well at least she isn't as bad as Emily and actually tried to apologize to me after the twins... you stopped yourself and walked out of the station through the newly opened door, courtesy of Jess. Jess smiled at you sadly, giving you a silent apology once more as she obvious felt guilty for what happened. You smiled back. Maybe she won't be as bad as I thought. Maybe we could be friends! Now I just have to live through Emily's bullshit, you thought as you watched Chris steal the letter in Jessica's hand.

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