Chapter 11: I Believe Him

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Your eyes widened at the man in the killer's outfit. The man behind the camera. The man who was supposed to be one of your best friends...

"Josh?" You whispered, lowering your fists that had been ready to attack the killer. "Why?"

Josh started talking about his entire plan, revenge and fame. Josh rambled and rambled, but you tensed when you heard him say unrequited love. Chris and Ashley blushed, but Josh shifted his eyes to you. You sighed and shook your head, disappointed. He surely knew that Chris did not like you and did like Ashley.

Silence. It echoed through the room, even though it was something that did not make sound. Emptiness. Jessica was dead. Mike screamed at Josh and knocked him out. You moved slightly, but stopped yourself when you were about to walk over to Josh.

You heard Chris mumble that Josh is insane. Insanity. A term that can be used to describe Josh in Chris's eyes. Not even close in yours. You looked at Chris and he looked back. You hardened your gaze for a moment, then left the room.

You sat on the couch as you waited for Chris to come back with the flamethrower guy and Josh. You walked to the door when you heard screaming outside. You looked through the glass and saw Chris running to the door, being chased by Wendigos.

Chris banged on the door. He looked desperate. Josh was desperate for revenge. And Chris was desperate for his life. Chris didn't believe Josh and now Josh was probably dead. You believed Josh, but nobody listened to you. Now Chris was just as desperate as Josh. You smiled. Desperation is deadly sometimes. Your hand hovered over to door knob for a second, before you finally did what you wanted to do.

You opened the door...

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