Chapter 2: The Return

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It has been exactly one year since you have been back to Blackwood Mountain and you haven't talked to anyone but Sam and Ashley since then. Sure Ashley was in on the prank, but she felt so terrible about the prank and she was a really good friend so you couldn't stay mad at her. You still talked to Chris and Josh a little but it wasn't the same since Hannah and Beth went missing. You still harbored feelings for Chris but you were positive he liked Ashley and you were pretty sure she liked him too. As much as it will hurt when they get together, you will still be happy for them.

You were on the bus with Sam to go back to the mountain for the first time since your best friends went missing. You looked over to see Sam watching the video Josh sent everyone to tell them about the winter getaway in honor of his sisters. God you hoped he was okay. It's hard to lose someone in your family. You of all people would know considering your parents died when you were two in a fire. You've been living with your adoptive parents Piper and Jason ever since.

Sam nudged you in the arm and you turned look at her, "We're here Y/N, it's time to get off." You nodded and stood up. When you got off the bus, you looked around the familiar terrain. You and Sam started walking towards the lodge but you felt like you were being watched so you looked around again. Suddenly Sam put a hand in front of you. She took some nuts out and slowly inched towards a squirrel. Once the squirrel took the nuts, Sam called it cute and trudged onward. You quickly followed.

You arrived at the gate and Sam was about to open but noticed a note on it. It read:

The gates busted. Climb Over

Your heart fluttered at the the thought of your crush but you quickly shut it down, for Ashley. Sam climbed up the wall to the left of the gate and climbed up. She reached down to help you up but you were fine on your own and refused her help. Soon you were both at the cable car station. You walked over to a sign that said:

The Past Is Beyond Our Control.

The phrase reminded you of last year and flashbacks started rushing through your brain. "Hey are you alright Y/N?" Sam looked at you concerned. You just nodded and walked towards a backpack on the bench. "Chris! You bag's here, where are you? Your not in the bag are you?" You snickered a bit and then you heard a buzzing noise. You looked at Chris's backpack and saw his phone hanging out of it. Sam reached to take it out and snoop but you smacked her hand away and closed the bag.

"Don't be rude Sam, this is Chris's personal business. How would you like it if he went snooping on your phone?" Sam just grinned and shrugged. You felt a hand on you shoulder and jumped a bit.

"CHRIS! Don't do that! You jerk!" You laughed and punched his shoulder. Chris just smirked while Sam grinned at you two.

"Hey guys, so I found something kind of amazing." He picked up his bag and started walking around the other side of the cable car.

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