Chapter 7: Why?

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Chris continued to tease Jess in a less jerky way while Sam and you enjoyed the view. Chris got tired of "nature and junk", so Sam, Chris and you continued on your way while Jess stayed behind.

On your way up the mountain, you met up with Josh, which was Chris's cue to joke around and be an asshole with his best friend. It was all in good fun though. You did join in on some jokes, but mostly stayed by Sam as you had a bad feeling about being here again. You brushed off the feeling and smiled the rest of the way.

Once you reached the lodge, you saw Ashley and a pissed off Matt at the front of the lodge. You were curious about wanted happened but decided to give him time to cool down before you asked. Sam and you stood by the stairs waiting for Josh to get the door open, while Chris made a beeline for Ashley.

You tried to concentrate on something else, anything else to ease the strain on you heart, but when you heard giggling you decided to pay attention. You turned your head to see Ashley giggling at something Chris said, a blush visible on both your cheeks. Why must the world be so cruel to you. You were desirable to many guys but the world made you fall in love with the one who loved someone else and could never love you back. While holding back tears, you smiled at Sam when she looked at you in pity.

~~~~~~time skip *spoilers* brought to you by Ashley getting her head ripped off lol sorry I don't really like Ashley that much but she is lovable when Chris doesn't shoot her~~~~~~~~~~

Chris ended up going through a window to open the door but you got in the lodge and that was all that mattered to you. (A/n: Nobody likes frozen buns 😂) The universe was not on your side today as after everyone went their separate ways, you were stuck with the lovebirds and Josh, who decided it was a great time to use a spirit board. You were very opposed to the idea. The question "Why?" floated around you head more then you thought it would...

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