Chapter 18 - Senior Year

Comenzar desde el principio

"That's simple. You." She answered.

"Me?" Vaughan asked.

"Her?" Andrew asked with confusion.

Daphnie nudged the boy in the arm. "Yes, her!"

"Okay then, how?" Vaughan questioned.

"You're Dubstep music! Everyone was talking about it all summer." Daphnie explained.

"Wait, how do they all know about my channel?" Vaughan asked.

"I sent the word, via a Twitter Tweet." Daphnie smiled.

"You didn't!" Vaughan exclaimed.

"Oh indeed I did! With you around and us as your entourage, this will be the best school year, ever!" Daphnie stated.

"Well.... If you say so. As long as I don't get crushed my screaming students, I'm okay with some popularity." Vaughan replied.

"That's the spirit!" Daphnie jumped up and down as she, Vaughan, and the boys walked inside the building.

"You know what else makes this the best school year ever?" Andrew asked.

"What?" Vaughan asked in reply.

"The fact that we have all of our classes together! And I literally mean, all. day. together, it's like a preschool flashback!" Andrew explained.

"But without nap time." Daphnie interrupted.

"Ah nap time." Josh cut in, placing a hand on Andrew's shoulder. "Don't know what you got until it's gone."

"I have a feeling nap time will be in Latin Class." Vaughan guessed. "Which reminds me, we're all taking Latin Class why?"

"Are you kidding?" Josh replied with excitement. "I can't wait for Latin! The salsa dancing, the salsa eating, and me and Andrew already know what our partner term paper is going to be about!"

"The downlow on JLO." Andrew waved his hand over him all dramatically.

"Boys! The class is about the language. No wait, let me change that. The dead language." Daphnie corrected.

The boys went from happy to sad as the two of them slouched.

"No salsa?" They both asked.

"No JLO." Vaughan smiled sweetly as she patted Josh on the head as the school bell rang.


During lunch, Vaughan was outside on a bench with her laptop as she continued work on the Radioactive remix while eating an apple.

She gave a quick report to the band saying that progress was going as scheduled, and that it should be up soon. She even sent them a quick sample.

The two of them both agreed to keep this on the D.L. To the media.

If this news exploded, who knows what could happen!

As Vaughan listened to the music, the wider her smile grew. She was enjoying this so much, she couldn't wait to get it finished and released to the public.

If this goes well, maybe other famous musicians would want Dubstep music.

The thought of that made Vaughan laugh. This had changed her life so much.

Maybe her friends were right. Maybe this would be the best school year ever.


As the rest of the month dragged on, Vaughan's song, as well as her school work, we coming along nicely.

She also took the time to check in with Spike and the Autobots and see how things were doing back in Mission City.

Earlier in the month, Spike got an iPhone for his birthday, so he and Vaughan began video chatting a lot as of late.

It seemed quite a bit easier.

Today, Vaughan was up in her room multitasking. Video chatting with Spike who was hanging out at the Autobots while she worked on the remix.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Dinobots?!" Vaughan nearly screamed.

"As in robots who can turn into Dinosaurs? Yes, that's be it." Spike smiled.

"Whoa. I am missing so much. And it's only been a month!" said Vaughan.

"Technically a month and a quarter." Spike corrected.

Vaughan rolled her eyes at her younger cousin as she waved it off, continuing to type on her laptop.

"So how's the song coming?" He asked.

"Almost done." She answered. "Want a sneak peak?"

"Show me the trailer." Spike teased with a nod.

Vaughan laughed as she pressed the space bar on her laptop and the music played through the speakers. "So what do you think?"

"I feel it in my bones

Enough to make my systems blow!"

"Very nicely done." Spike grinned. "You're on your way to the big time."

"I sure hope so. I hate to think that all this work would be for nothing." Vaughan replied.

Spike laughed on his end as a knock came to Vaughan's bedroom door. The door opened and Margret stepped in, wearing her work uniform.

"Honey, I need to take the night shift today. I want you in bed by 11, alright?" Margret instructed.

"Yes mom." Vaughan nodded.

"Hi aunt Margret!" Spike spoke up through the phone.

"Hi Spike, do you like your new phone?" She asked.

"Yeah, it's awesome!" He exclaimed.

"Can the Autobots come on?" Margret asked.

"Uh, not right now. They're kind of busy right now." Spike answered.

"Aw, too bad. I wanted to say hi to Optimus. I even got my hair and makeup done." said Margret with a very convincing pout.

"Mom!" Vaughan exclaimed with embarrassment.

"I'm joking!.... Kind of." said Margret.

"Kind of?" Vaughan asked raising a brow.

"Kind of. I need to go. Now, be in bed by 11." Margret repeated as she left the room.

Once she was gone, Vaughan face palmed and groaned loudly. "I am so sorry you had to hear that."

"I've heard weirder things, trust me."

"Sometimes I think she misses the Autobots more than I do." Vaughan replied.

"I'm not so sure. But don't worry, one day you'll be back here before you know it." said Spike. "Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow."

"But one day."

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