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Kaguya had been fighting with her two sons for days now. But she eventually ended up being defeated. Hagoromo and Hamura managed to seal her away to her great surprise. How could have her own sons done that to her? Their mother? The one who had raised them, loved them, taken care of them with all her heart, protected them. She couldn't describe how much painful it was to feel betrayed like that as she could see the rocks moving around her. No, she couldn't just be sealed like that forever. One day she would be free and she would have her revenge against the world. She would be as merciless as ever against those who would try to defeat her again. No matter how long it would take. 

Fortunately for her, she had just enough time to release from herself her own creation.

It's time for you to take the lead black zetsu. I entrust my resurrection to you. You know what you have to do from now on. 

A black substance fell to the ground without being noticed by Hagoromo or Hamura. But that wasn't all. Besides another thing fell to the ground not long after. But it wasn't black. It was all white. 

Nanami, I'm sorry I won't be able to take care of you. But I will see you again one day, do not worry. I hope you will not betray me just like Hagoromo and Hamura. But if  you do I will be merciless. 

Zetsu, take care of her, please...

That was it. Kaguya was completely sealed away.

Zetsu had watched the whole scene helplessly. 

Do not worry Kaa-san, I will break you free soon. 

The creature then looked at its side and noticed the small baby. He got nearer to have a better look at her. The baby stared at it with big white eyes. He stared back at her carefully. She had very tiny horns on her head, as well as a split on her forehead. She also had straight grey hair just like her mother. 

She was the spitting image of their mother.

Kaa-san... I promise I will take care of-

What was her name already? 

Zetsu thought for a short while before he remembered his mother saying...


"Hello Nanami, I am your big brother Zetsu. Do not worry Nanami, we will soon be reunited with Mother, I promise. Meanwhile I'll be the one to take care of you. And once she is with us again we will take revenge on all those stupid humans. And those traitors that Mother dared consider as her sons."

Zetsu wasn't sure whether Nanami could understand what he was saying or not but that's alright. He would have plenty of time to explain everything to her. 

She would help him resurrect Mother and he would teach her to master her powers. 

At least he was sure Nanami would never betray them. 

"Come on Nanami, I'm going to take you to a safe place, far away from those worthless creatures. A great destiny awaits you."

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