Chapter Thirteen: The Long Journey

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Only a few days later did Ashura and Indra leave for their respective journeys.

Ashura was accompanied by his friend, Taizō, the one who always looked so shy and awkward around her.

"Don't worry, we'll be back soon."

"But I am not worried."

He just smiled at her. That kind of sheepish and awkward smile that was so typically his.

"Are you sure you're not gonna get bored without us?"

Yes, of course. She was definitely going to get bored as soon as Ashura left. But she wasn't sure she would miss his loud demeanour. She liked silence. She liked sitting on the riverbank and listening to the peaceful sound of the water running.

There were other things she learned to discover that she liked.

She liked writing various words on a scroll. She liked the way her brush glided on the paper so smoothly. She liked the sound that was created by the strings of the Koto that the sage possessed in his home. She had been learning to play it for about two weeks. She liked the light breeze of the wind on her skin. She liked practicing for Ninshū. She liked skipping stones. She liked staring at the night sky.

"I know how to keep myself busy without you. Besides, your father will be here to keep me company."

The man smiled as she glanced at him.

Ashura started sulking slightly as his head lowered all of a sudden. But she always blinked blankly, feeling nothing at all whenever he did that.

"Are you saying...that I'm not important to you...?"

There was nothing that meant that in her words. His sulking must have been caused by the tone she used.

What should she say now? Speaking could be really troublesome. You had to account for your words most of the time, and that was something she definitely didn't like.

"I have never said that."

This was rather neutral. That should do.

No, the look on his face said it wouldn't be enough.

"I'm sorry if I made you think that." Keep going, her brain urged her. "I'll miss you both."

Ashura looked sad for a few more moments but then his foolish grin came back on his face.

"We'll miss you too."

"Well, it is high time you two went on your journey. The faster you will leave, the faster you will come back, Ashura," his father interfered with an understanding smile on his face.

"Yes, that's right, father."

Hagoromo and her watched silently as the three of them moved forward into the unknown, separately. Soon enough, they were no longer in sight. 

"Well, there is a long  day waiting before us, Nanami. Shall we go back inside and practise Ninshū and then we sit before a warm cup of tea?"

Their gazes met. 

"That sounds nice."

The Sage smiled at her and they moved. 

The time passing felt strangely long and everything was so calm. Yet nothing had changed, even though Ashura and Indra has just gone. She couldn't already miss them...?

They bathed in the sunlight as they were drinking their tea. 

"So, Nanami. Do you not you think this is time you went back on the Moon?"

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