Crescent 17: Ikrâm opens the doors of hearts(1)

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Salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu. Hope this finds you all in good.

Above is a map I made of the Isle of Tâ Hâ. I'm not very good at sketching, so please forgive my unsatisfying art piece.

Maybe one day I'd decide to make a better one, or even better still, obtain one made online with designs, exactly how I imagined it. Then I'll change this one. For now, please bear with me.


"Acquire knowledge, and learn tranquility and dignity."

Umar Ibnul Khattâb
(Radhiyallahu 'anhu, The Second Rightly-Guided Khalifah of Islam)


"Where are you going?!"Ukashah called out to Arkaan's retreating figure, which had just gone out the door.

"We've plans, don't we?!", Arkaan's voice was equally loud as he smiled, moving into the open compound of their annexed compartment."I'm going out for a stroll."

He walked down the stony path made in-between the two grassy lawns, and within a moment he was at the gate of the main entrance.

He didn't know why, but the morning had found him in a very good mood. He was all smiley and happy.

Come to think of it, the last night, he had gone to sleep earlier than Ukashah, and still woke up to find the self-possessed boy busy with his own things. His first thought about his new roomie, - late to bed, early to rise.

It was Ukashah who woke him up for Fajr Salah after all. The two had made their way to the Masjid-ur-Rahmân, Arkaan yawning all the way. Ukashah would just shake his head,"You behave like you do not usually wake up for Fajr Salah. Is this time too early for you?"

"Haaa~"Arkaan would close his mouth from yawning again,"I just happened to sleep late yesternight."

"Well, that's what you get reading all those books in one night. Are you a Bibliophile or what?" That night he had returned late to find Arkaan's head on the table with books carelessly opened, lying everywhere.

"Not so much"He yawned again. After all, he picked up that habit at his grandfather's. The old man was a taskmaster, and worked him up the night, reading and learning many things secular. Sometimes he'd get one or two books on Islam to hide in a corner of the library and read.

After the prayer, Arkaan suddenly felt revitalized. They returned home only for Ukashah to realize the previously-bedraggled Arkaan was now all-hearty, and preparing for his own outing . It was quite strange to him.

Arkaan walked out the main gate. Once outside, he turned to examine his white thobe and pants he had received from Zak. Even though he was of average height for his age group and Zak was slightly taller than him, the thobe fitted him perfectly. It came to his mind that perhaps, it was bit too short for Zak.

Come to think of it, I heard Zak is part of Iqra Complex's basketball team. I could try joining the game over here, and see just how much good I'm, compared with Eastern world basketball players. For now, wait till I enter that school first, he smiled to himself.

Arkaan dusted the thobe figuratively, and just as he was ready to make his way down the path, he turned to look back at the building with satisfaction one last time. He suddenly noticed something up the apartment next door.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Where stories live. Discover now