"Now, that you mention it... I'm starving!"

"Ok, let me get you something to eat." He whispered and kissed softly on my forehead. "K."

I blushed when I heard him call me, "K". Many people have called me that, but when he said it, I felt butterflies in my stomach.

#The pictures below are some examples of what the plane looked like from the outside and inside.#

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So, you choose to be with your mate now?

Who are you?

Your brother of course!

I see...

So, you've made your decision.

Yes... I need to find out who I am first.

You know you are ruining that puppy brother of yours... He's starving himself.

Yeah... Sounds like him. How come you can talk to me?

That's because the curse on you is getting weaker and weaker. Plus, we are related too... Anyways, I don't have much time. I am going to send the baby elf you saw last time to you. She will be with you, and you have to name her. When you name an elf, the elf will be your servant till death. A mark should appear on the back of your left hand, touch it, and the elf would appear. After you name her, the mark will be invisible to the dogs and the cold ones. The more elements of elves you have, the stronger you are among us. I will make you strong again, and you will be the queen... You and Tobias will be the strongest rulers ever! I will always be watching you, if anything happens I will come, I promise! I love ###$#%%...



"Hey..." I heard Tobias whisper in my ear. "You fell asleep. Are you okay?"

I woke up with a sudden shudder and saw Tobias beside again. He had a plate of sandwiches and a cup of orange juice. "Yeah... I'm fine. Haze, he talked to me, and gave me this." I pointed to my left hand, which had a red glowing mark on it.

"I guess her brother broke another rule for her," Jestin said.

"Yeah. Poor guy, I almost feel sorry for Haze more than I do for you, T.' Flame also said thoughtfully. I don't know if he said it with sarcasm or not, but I know that everyone agreed with him. Except for me. The stupid me that doesn't understand anything.

"I already met him. My... My brother." I admitted, trying to break the uneasy silence.

"I know."

"You know?"

"We all know." The three said at the same time. 


I sat up in my chair slowly, still a little dizzy. Well, that one hard hit by Arora was quite bad. Maybe if the boys didn't come, I would have been dead in seconds.

"How am I still alive?" I asked as I took a huge bite from my sandwich. "Mmm, this shit is awesome!"

The three stared at each other looking back and forth. No one seems to want to answer. 

"What," I asked again.

No answer.

"Well. If that's so..." I got one of the wine cups from the table, throwing it on the floor, the glass broke into hundreds of pieces. I picked up the largest piece and held it to my left hand's wrist. "Are you gonna answer now?"

No answer.

"I'll do it." I sliced my wrist slowly, and blood started to ooze out of the thin cut.

"Shit, why are you so reckless!" Tobias said angrily, as he grabbed for my wrist, and covered it tightly with a white towel. "Do you even care about yourself? I'll tell you. I fed you my blood!"




Hey guys... How was this Chapter? 

Information: When a human drink vampire's blood, their wounds would heal 100 times faster than usual. That's why Katerina didn't die, jumping from the third floor and having her head crushed. Also, there will be no scars.

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