Shivika TS My Amazing Boyfriend II

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As soon as I entered my room, I saw Gauri busy on phone and Bhavya doing her housework. Priyanka had gone out with Aarav and suddenly I felt alone. I was all alone and couldn't decide what to do. I lied on the bed, covering myself with the duvet when I realised tears rolling down my cheeks.

Why am I crying? I asked to myself.

I closed my eyes and what I saw was... Shivaay. His puffed eyes and weak voice. Suddenly, our first meeting drew in my dream.


I paid to the rickshaw and went inside the Mall. Priyanka was very much excited because I was going to meet Shivaay for the first time. Yes, I was excited, but not as much as her. We went inside and he was standing just at the entrance. He waved and smiled at me and I did the same. It had been months that we were talking on phone and become very good friends. He had proposed the idea of meeting at the big bazaar and I liked it. As we entered inside, we came across a escalator. He forwarded his hand towards me, I looked at it but decided not to hold. I moved by myself supporting the boundary of the case. All of a sudden, I felt bad. Did I offended him? I looked at him and he smiled. I don't know why, but his smile was a relief for me. We moved inside.

"Let's go there!" I heard Priyanka chirped.

I looked at her direction and my eyes caught a poster of 'Haunted House'.

"Like really, Priyanka?" I asked her sarcastically.

"Yes. It will be so exciting!" She said.

"We aren't kids anymore." I said her in a stern voice.

"Are you afraid?" She asked with a frown.

I gulped.

"No." I tried to sound normal. "But we're not going in."

"You are afraid, Annika." She laughed.

I frowned. I can't let her make it a issue later and laugh at me lifetime for this.

"Fine. Let's go." I said with finality.

"Are you sure?" I heard Shivaay whisper near my ears.

"I am." I whispered back and we smiled at each other.

We went inside and it was indeed a scary set-up. It has scary sculptures and painting. I was moving inside admiring the settings when a weird creature came in front of me suddenly. I gasped and held the next thing I could find, tightly. Automatically, my hands wrapped around something and I looked up only to see a smiling Shivaay looking back at me.

"Someone refused to hold my hand before, and now..." he smiled, mischievously.

My jaws dropped and I realized our position. I had held his shirt tightly with my one hand and wrapped my other arms around his waist. I quicked left him and part away, looking down to the ground, particularly nowhere.

And I.. blushed.

"Annika!" I heard Priyanka call me, I was really shy to look up at her.

"Annika, Annika wake up!" And my eyes flew open.

I gazed around. I was in my room, sleeping on my bed and Priyanka trying to wake me up since god knows when.

"You're okay? Tears have made pool in the corner of your eyes." She said in concern.

I wiped the tears and smile at her.

"I am totally fine. You don't worry."



Then reality hit me. Hit me, hard. Just a mere thought of not talking to him, not meeting him anymore, took away a part inside me.  I was in love with him, perhaps since forever. And I was stupid enough not to accept it. I was doing unfair with the word love by terming it as friendship between us. I can I be so idiot? He had gained so much courage to tell me those words, It was our moment and I ruined it. I never felt so angry on himself before. How could I do that? I berated myself in my head. How can I let him down?

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