'SwaRon' Our Vrushan

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Banner Credit: Aisha (India-Forums)

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Banner Credit: Aisha (India-Forums)

It was correct 12 when she reached there. Yes. She was on time. She was gonna get him back, forever. She was waiting. But it was what she hates. To wait! But, she needs to... she has learned to wait. She has waited for a whole year. She is the only one who knows how she has managed everything without him. In this year which she spent without him, she has realized that he is not her need, but her habit. She couldn't live without him. And today, she was going to tell him this.

She was now confused. She has waited very long. It was going to be night and he... he didn't come. Was this her fault? Has he moved on? Doesn't he need her anymore? But, how can it be possible? He had tried his best to be with her, then how can he forget her? The street was now clear. Everyone went to their respective places.

Sharon was left standing there, all alone, with a look of despair, with a feeling of frustration and with the will to make things alright. She had been under so many misconceptions; she had conveniently assumed so many things over the past. Today she has realized that all along she was living in a world she had made for herself, not in reality because today she realized reality was what she had always been running away from, what she had not cared to see.

She sat there, on the ground. She was now sure that this was the time to make the things alright, to make some amends, to get her love back into her life and to apologize, as profusely as she could for all that she had put him through.

It was raining, raining so heavily that it was hard to see anything clearly. She had been wrong, so wrong. Swayam had in fact never been the reason for the tragedies, at least not in the way she thought he had.

"Swayam!" she screamed in desolation and cried, cried in pain, cried in love, cried in hope, cried for Swayam, cried for her past and for her future. She cried so that God would hear her and make things alright.

She was walking like a zombie, like a human without life, like a man without a soul, like a lover without her love. Was she getting the punishment of insulting Swayam's love? Or of not accepting the truth which everyone knew. Or it was all because behaving so weird with him? Was it because he cried for her so much? He had always loved her. But she had always insulted his love. Break-up had been casual in their relationship and the reason was she herself always.

She sat on a bench. What does destiny exactly want from her? When he needed her, she denied. And today when she needs him, it's all over! Is it really over? Is it for memories only? Was she going to live her life all alone? Does she really deserve this?

There were many questions. And the answers were to be given by only one person-Swayam. But where was he? Swayam - the lover boy never breaks a promise, then why today? Or the lover boy himself was a dream? Dream, No! This can't be true! She can't live a dream for so long! She can't love a dream more than her life! But where have the lover boy lost?

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