'Rikara' Fated to Love you(Sequel)

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*Before you read*

This is a sequel to RiKara OS "Judgemental Love". I would suggest you to read it before this. Those who have read that. Please enjoy this.

Banner credit KoeliDalmiya

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Banner credit KoeliDalmiya

"Gauri"...said Omkara as she stepped past him to walk away from him yet again.

Gauri stopped in her tracks but did not turn around.

"What is it, Mr. Oberoi? Why do you keep blocking my way? This is not the way you address an employee? Don't you understand your behaviour is very unprofessional for a Channel Head?"

"Channel head and employee?" Omkara snapped as he walked in front of her and blocked her path. "Is that what we are?"

"Why are you acting like this is news to you? You've been here for 2 months now? Don't you know who you are and who I am?" said Gauri with a slight sarcastic twist to her mouth.

It has been 2 months since Omkara got to know about Gauri's new job. He bought the Channel she was working for, the next day. He thought that it was the only way he could stay close to Gauri. He has been trying his best to get her back as his wife but Gauri was determined to make him compensate. She had always worked hard for the job and the channel was not ready to lose her. Moreover, she had decided that she would be professional and not quit her work. But Omkara was making it hard for her. He always ordered her to let him join her for her every operation. And he would not spare a slight chance for personal discussions and apologies.

Gauri was fed up. She needed an end of it. But she was not ready to forgive him so easily. Right now, they were in the studio where Gauri had just finished her news reading. Omkara started the conversation when they were left alone.

Omkara stepped closer to Gauri and grabbed her by the shoulders.

"This sarcasm, nor this act of yours is not going to change reality, Gauri! And the reality is that I'm your husband and you are my wife! That trumps every other relationship we have!"

"Really? Said Gauri with a bitter laugh. "Now you remember you're my husband? Where was this memory when I most needed it Mr. Oberoi? Where was this surety about my position in your life when you were blaming me of adultery?

Omkara closed his eyes and took a deep breath and opened it again.

"Gauri...I have said this before and I will say it again, I am really sorry. It was the circumstances."

"Are you serious?" said Gauri as she tried to pull away from him, but Omkara would not let her. "Did the circumstances stop you from trusting your wife too?"

"Gauri...it's not that simple. Don't you understand..." Omkara was saying when Gauri cut him off.

"Understand what? That you didn't even spare a second thought before blaming your wife of unfaithfulness? I have already broken our relationship and told you that it's all over between us. So with what authority are you claiming to be my husband now?" said Gauri angrily as she pushed Omkara away from her.

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