Chapter 10 Cleaning Day

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Previously: "Come out Jake! You can't hide in there forever!" I then around looking for a way and see Christmas ribbon and start to form a devious plan. As I grab the ribbons and turn out the lights I open the door letting James in. As he turn his back toward me I catch him by surprise and tie his hands behind his back and then proceed to wrap him up with a bow on his head I then carry him back into the hallway outside the living room and yell "Oh girls would you come here for a second." As they get up and come into the hallway they see me and then they are James covered in pink slime, paint, and feathers with a beak on his face all tied up in a bow. Benny then said "I didn't know it was Christmas" with a smirk on her face. I laughed and said "nah just the beginning of a prank war." with an evil smirk on my face James then tried speaking but the ribbon was stopping him from doing so. So I United the ribbon and as soon as I did James said "TRUCE, I CALL TRUCE!!!" I then pouted and said "You're no fun." I then untied him completely and left to my room to go back to sleep. And as Kitsuna snuggled up to me I started to fall asleep.

Now: Jake's pov:

I wake up and stretch groaning, I then move my self over to my Spider Chair and pick up Kitsuna and put her on my lap and guide us toward the kitchen and see Slenda cooking for us and the others. I maneuver up to her and said " I could have done that you know. You really didn't have to." She looks at me and smiles saying " I know i just wanted to do something nice as a way of thank you for letting us stay in your home." i look at her with a smile on my face and say " OK, but at least let me help you. I've learned not to argue with a woman when they set their mind on something or bad things happen." She laughs and says "Very well, i don't see why not, why don't you get started on the eggs and pancakes and i'll do the waffles, cheesecake, and others." i look at her and say "Alright. Welp best get to it eh?"I maneuver my chair over to the eggs and pancake mix I then had an idea and got the necessities for the meal i wish to make for one for the girls. After we finished i put the meals on the table with their names marking which dish is theirs. I see Jackie walk up to Slenda and say she's going out to get some kidneys, so i get my chair over and give her, her dish personally and say "Hey Jackie i made you a kidney omelette i hope you like it." She and Slenda look at me incredulously and Slenda says " that was a pretty brave thing to do Jake even i wouldn't try that." I then said " i just thought it would be nice if we all ate together like a family ya know?" The other girls look at me with incredulous looks on their faces, so i look at them with a confused look and say "What? Is there flour on my face?" James then said to Slenda in a low voice " Jake has been having this weird obsession of family lately, so just go with it." So i appear behind him and let out a ton of killer intent and said "Oh Jamie what was that about an obsession I heard?" he flinches and turns around scratching the back of his head and laughing nervously and says " Um I didn't say anything about an obsession?" I just stare at him with an unamused look and say "Hmm. Ok i'll let you off this one time but don't expect this kindness again James Wane Slender. Undertstood?" He nods his head very fast and says "Yep, yep understood." I then stop letting out killer intent and say with a smile on my face "Good!" he breathes with ease and says "Sometimes you are scary Jake." I smile and say" I know, Any way now that is out of the way lets eat!" we then sat down to eat and as i was eating i looked up to see James flirting with Eyeless Jackie and actually succeeding so i send him a telepathic message "Hey there lady killer tone it back a bit with the flirting there." he looked at me the most unamused and messaged me back with "really dude, not cool bro." I just smiled and thought back to him "well I just hope you know that if she rejects you i'll be there for you ok?" He rolled his eyes and went back to flirting with Eyeless Jackie and laughing at a joke she just told him. I look around and see everyone eating and smiling and laughing, I think 'this is exactly what I was looking for, a family.' As we finish eating I sense that something is wrong in the Observatory so I guide my Spider Chair toward the Observatory and see what is wrong. As I'm going toward it I catch a smell of sulfur and rust and freeze, I turn my Spider Chair back around and move it fast back to James and I hear running behind me I look back and see four Shadow Demons chasing after me. I flip a lever on the wall while running to trap the Shadow Demons in a bright cube like structure, it works surprisingly and I keep moving fast toward James and I finally reach him and say " We've got a problem! There are four Shadow Demons in the west wing trapped in the Light Cube Trap. I need your help! I need the leg you've been working on! " he hurries to his room and grabs his and mine weapons and a grabs the leg he was working on, comes back and says "here you go" and hands me my weapons and the leg and connected it to my stump and got out of my Spider Chair pressed a button that would turn it into a mechanical spider and attack the I'm my command. As we went up to the west wing to get rid of the Shadow Demons. We went up, I disabled the trap keeping in the Shadow Demons. As we went forward the Shadow Demons attacked, it took at least four hours to get rid of them and when we did, James and I went back to the living room to rest. When we got to the living room I looked over at James and said " how did they even get in, they have to be let in from the inside, so how did they get in through the seal." He looked back at me and said "it was probably when the seal was being remade, other than that I can't think of any other reason. Unless there is a spy somewhere in the house in one of the rooms." We look at each other and bolt up running to the Camera Room to check for any intruders. I check the north and west wing cameras while James checks the east and south wing cameras I just finished checking the west wing when I saw something out of the ordinary, the camera that intersects the west and north wing is out so I call over to James and say "hey James send some scouters over to the intersection of west and north." He respond "got it sending them now. We should be getting a visual in three, two and . . . Now!"as the feed from the scouters comes on we see that there were at least five dozen devils in the blind spot of the camera intersecting the west and north wings. James looked at me and said "what should we do about our uninvited guests." I looked at him and said " send in the Metal Hounds let them deal with this pest. James then turned back toward his console and pressed in the necessary commands to real ease the mechanical hounds the serve as our guard dogs and for lack of a better term our assassination squad. After the devils are dealt with we check the cameras for any more blind spots after a couple more hours of doing this we come up clean I then say to James "would you please send in the repair bots to fix the damage that those devils caused." He then says " on it, anything else ." I think for a moment and then say "bring up the southwest corridor and check for any demonic activity."he brought the Southwest corridors and after three hours af checking we didn't see any demonic activity in three hours we stopped looking I turned toward James and said " come on let's go get some dinner . . . . I just realized we've been here all day we haven't had lunch." He looks at me with a horrified look and says "we missed lunch?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" I walk up behind and whack him upside the back of his head and said " oh shut up you buffoon, we can still have dinner." He brightens up and said " what are we waiting for?! Let's go!" He then runs out of the camera room yelling " FOOOOOOOOD!" I then sigh and say " oh my god James it's times like these that I'm ashamed to be your brother". So we head down to the dining room and have dinner afterwards we all head to bed as I'm lying in my bed with kitsuna snuggled against me I think to myself 'this has been one heck of a cleaning day.' I then go to sleep wonder what tomorrow will bring.

HEY MY MONSTERS! Sorry I haven't been updating for a while I was busy trying to pass my MCAS and tests and all that but don't worry I will try to continue to update my stories so don't worry my monsters I will continue to write but I just need time to think of some good content for my stories son until next time stay tuned my monsters. Undertalefan638 OUT!!!! (Teleports to double date with Chara, Undyne and Alphys {I ship it} . Nosebleeds at sight of Chara in a dress)

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