Chapter 4 a new friend

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Jess's p.o.v.

 I see Jake come in with a strange girl in his arm and tell me she was poisoned trying to protect him and see him run off into the house. I got a strange feeling like I knew the girl in Jake's arms, and I also got a feeling that she was dangerous, that I should keep my eye on her. So I followed them to the back of the house and see Jake kick the door down and put the girl on the table and get a strange syringe and insert the liquid in the syringe into the girl's blood stream and then he bent his head to the cuts on the girl's arms and start to suck out something then he turned and spit the stuff he sucked out of her bloodstream and he did it again and again and again until all of the poison was out of her blood and when she was safe he bound up the wounds and sat down looking weary. I walked up to him and put my arms around him and said "Do you know who she is?" Jake then said "No, I don't, but I feel like I do at the same time. I wonder who she is, I feel like, like I've met her before but I just can't remember." I just looked at Jake with a questioning look and said "I feel the same way; I feel like I know her too but can't remember. Why can't I remember?" Jake then looked at me and said "Let's not worry about it too much, ok?" I looked back to the girl on the as she begins to move around. She took a shuddering breath and opened her eyes.

Jade's pov:

 As I come to, I hear two voices, one is female the other is male and is familiar. As I open my eyes I see a girl with a smile cut into her face and shockingly white skin in a white Hoodie, I look to my right and see the guy that I saved from the monster wolf. I looked into his amber eyes and said "Hey are you alright?" He looked at me with an incredulous look and said "Am I alright? I'm sorry but have you seen yourself lately? You have no right asking me that if anything I should be asking you that." I looked at him confused, and then looked down at my body and saw with surprise that I was bandaged up all over. I looked back to him and asked him "What happened to me? How did this happen to me?" he looked away from me and said "It's my fault, if I hadn't been so distracted this wouldn't have happened and you wouldn't have almost died." He sank into a chair heavily and put his head in his hands sighing shaking his head in distraught "I'm an idiot I truly am." The girl then said "Yes you're an idiot, but you're my idiot." She then hugged him and I saw a ring on her left hand, I then with surprise said "You two are married?!" The girl laughed and said "No, not yet, just engaged at the moment, but I hope one day we will be." At that moment another male ran in and said "Is she awake yet?!" the first male said "Calm down James, you're gonna give yourself a heart attack." The one named James then started to go red in the cheeks with embarrassment when he looked at me he then said "Hi my name is James Wane Slender, this is my older twin brother Jake Wane Slender. Thanks for saving him from that monster wolf we are in your debt." The one called Jake then said in a disgruntled voice "Yeah thanks, I owe you one." James then replied "Jake, be polite. My brother doesn't like being in other people's debt's so sorry if he was rude." He scratched the back of his in an embarrassed yet cute way and blushed when he looked at me. I then said "It's ok, don't worry about it, and don't worry about being in my debt I don't really look for payback. By the way the name is Jade Mallory but I also go by Jade the Huntress." Jake then looked at me with surprise when heard that I don't really expect any payback. Jake then said skeptically "Really? You don't expect payback, you must be insane, but I guess I can't talk since I'm a little crazy myself." James then said "A little? I'd say you're a whole lot more crazy than you care to admit." James had a smug look on his face.

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