chapter 5 rebuilding the seal

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3rd person pov:

Jake then turn toward his younger twin with a look of pure rage, he got up, walked over to his brother curled up his fist and did one of his power moves RAGING FURY PUNCH. The blow knocked his brother out the door and down the stairs and on to the couch in the living room. Jake turned toward the wall chuckled and said "Heh bull's-eye." Jake then walked over to Jade and checked her bandages and wounds. After he was done he said to Jade "You're gonna have to stay here for a few weeks to fully heal, so the doctor orders you to get your rest and just relax." Jake looked to Jade and smiled and said "Don't worry you're safe here, nothing gets in here without me or my brother giving them access to the house, and it has to be me or my brother to give them access and no one else and even if they try they won't succeed because of the enchantments around this place is too strong and no one can get in from the . . . out . . . side. . ." Jess then looked toward Jake and saw a look a comprehension, like he just realized something he had overlooked. Jess then said "Hey Jake, are you ok?"

Jake's pov:

Jess looked toward me with a concerned look and said "Hey Jake, are you ok?" I then said "Yeah, I had just remembered that Slenda and you and the others had got into the house and past the enchantments without permission. I gotta talk to Slenda!" I then ran out of the room toward the living room where Slenda and the others were. I ran up to Slenda and demanded "OK TELL ME HOW YOU GOT PAST THE WARDS OF MY HOUSE!WHO ARE YOU WORKING WITH?!" Slenda looked at me with a confused and terrified look and said "I beg your pardon?" I then said "No one can get into this house much less find the house. SO HOW DID YOU GET IN MY HOUSE!" Slenda looked at me with a confused look and said "I don't understand there wasn't any resistance with us finding and getting in your house and I didn't feel any wards around your house. So would you kindly stop yelling at me?" I looked at her with shock and then I said "Wait a second are the wards even still up?!" I then ran out of the living room to the camera room where it hooks up to all the cameras in the woods and around the house. Out of the corner I saw James running toward the ward seal in the Observatory. I heard footsteps banging behind me, and I decided that Slenda,Jess, and the other girls were following me to the surveillance room when I made it to the room I forced the door open and turned on all the screens and saw James in the Observatory. I turned on the mike and said "Hey James what news on the ward seal?" he replied "It's bad Jake, very bad. The seal is so jacked it's impossible to put it back to the way it was I need you here to build a new one. Please hurry it's about to blow the wards are gonna fall and our location is gonna be exposed." I then said "Don't worry James I'm on my way. "I then turned the mike off and turned toward the girls and said "Keep an eye on the screens and use the mike to warn us if anything or anyone is coming our way." I then ran out of the room and toward the Observatory, and ran up to my brother and said "James we need start rebuilding a new ward seal so let's get to work." Then me and James got to work on the new ward seal to keep out any enemies. as we hurry to rebuild the seal i hear Slenda say over the intercom "Jake, James there are five people coming your way. they look like demons but not any I've ever seen."  I then say "Thanks Slenda don't worry we'll take care of them" after a short fight me and James manage to make a new seal to keep out our enemies and stay safe. 

Hey guys!! sorry for the long wait i've been stuck in my studies and haven't been able to update much. so sorry for the long wait. stay tuned to find out what happens next. laters my peeps UnderTaleFan638 OUT!! (takes short cut away from computer)

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