A/ N / filler

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Hey my monsters! Now i know i haven't been updating for a while and well it's because well i've lost inspiration and am thinking of putting my stories on hold for the time being and . .  .CRASH!   What the hell was that? What the?!  How did you get here?! Wait stay back! NO!!!















Why hello everyone it's me Jake and me James and we've decided to pay our friend Undertale here a little visit  say hi Undertale. "MPH MMM MPH!MMM MPH  MPH MMPHM!" Now now there's no need for that, now where was I, ah yes now i remember since Undertale here wanted to put our stories on hold we decided it was time for a visit. Um Jake? What is it James? Where's Undertale? WHAT?! where is he?! I tied him up right here-!  TWANG! As Jake turned around he was hit upside the back of his head with a frying pan the one holding the frying pan turned out to be Undertale! "YOU THINK YOU CAN COME INTO MY HOUSE, TIE ME UP AND NOT EXPECT ANY CONSEQUENCES?! THINK AGAIN ASSHOLE! Now James are you gonna try to tie me up again and have me hit you up side the head with a frying pan too or are you gonna get out of my house before you have a BAD TIME?" i said while my eye turned hollow and my right eye turned a mixture of red and bright blue while leaking out a huge amount of killer intent right at James making him start to sweat and say "Um I think I'll take the second option." I then stopped and smiled and said " good now get out of my house and take your brother with you!" he then picked Jake and made a portal out of my house and into their's. I then said " I swear if they ever try that again i will put them through hell until there begging me to stop!" I then turn toward the screen and said "Hey my monsters! Sorry about that. you know what on second thought i won't put these stories on hold but i will take my time to do them so until next time, stay safe my monsters!!! UNDERTALEFAN638 OUT!!!!!!!!! ( teleports to 2nd date with fem! Chara) 

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