"Get out." Cas ordered.


"GET OUT." Cas repeated, throwing the pieces of the pencil across the room. Dean jumped to his feet.

"Cas, what's wron-"

"JUST GET OUT!" Cas yelled, getting to his feet and shoving Dean towards the door.

"I can help

"EVERYTHING'S WRONG- THIS STUPID TEST IS WRONG AND I'M GOING TO FAIL AND- JUST GO AWAY!" His breath came in gasps and tears filled his eyes as he shoved Dean again. Dean stumbled back into the hallway, looking shocked, and Cas slammed the door shut.

As soon as the door slammed, Cas crumpled to the floor, sobbing and clutching his head.

Dean stared at the closed door, not knowing what had just happened.

Faintly, he could hear Cas's crying on the other side of the door. He paused.

This was definitely not just about the test.

But Cas obviously didn't want him there, and Dean didn't want to upset him further, so he went home, still stunned as he flopped down on his own bed and tried to think of a way to help Cas calm down.

Cas looked around his room, shaking, and all he saw was more things that would bring him stress and pain. The stupid textbook and all his study materials, pictures of his family. Cas scribbled a quick note, taped it to his door, and then promptly went into his closet and shut the door, trying to calm his breathing.

It wasn't until he curled up into a small ball in the dark closet that he realized how bad he was shaking.

He sobbed, not knowing what to do. He knew he had probably just messed up everything he had with Dean, too. The Winchester was probably going to dump him after that whole incident, and tell the school that he'd had some bizarre freak out episode.

Cas tried to clear his mind, but it was impossible. Everything that was stressing him out swirled around his head, and Cas grabbed an old pillow from the closet floor and screamed into it, letting out everything he had been keeping in. He cried, not knowing for how long.

He had finally calmed himself when his phone buzzed from his pocket. Wiping his eyes, Cas dug out the device and turned it on, its brightness illuminating the whole closet as Cas blinked at the screen.

New message from Dean

Cas opened it, positive that it would be some long speech about how he and Dean shouldn't see each other anymore. But instead....


Cas stared. What was he supposed to say to that? He had screamed at Dean- literally shoved him out of the room and slammed the door in his face- and now, all Dean had to say was Hey? His phone buzzed again.

 What can I do to help?

Tears brewed in Cas's eyes again and he clutched the phone to his chest. He was a mess, he knew. He didn't deserve someone as pure and good as Dean Winchester. He didn't reply to the message, the words being enough for Cas. Dean had no idea why he had freaked out suddenly, and yet, that didn't matter. He just wanted to make sure Cas would be okay.

Oh yeah. He definitely didn't deserve someone that perfect.


Dean stared at his phone, studying the text messages between him and Cas.

Read at 5:12, the little words below his last text said. Cas had seen his message, but he hadn't responded. 

Dean frowned. What did that mean? Had he texted the wrong thing? Should he have said something else? Should he text Cas again?

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