Chapter 84

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"Again?" i asked Pea as he got up from the bed super early, walking straight for our bathroom

"Work calls babe" Pea called out "sorry Daisy"

"Please don't forget, Ray has a doctors appoinment today" i whined "i need you there, i cant go out with all three kids in my own, its difficult"

"At 3 o clock, i know i'll be there" Pea replied before turning on his music playlist to shower,

I had gotten off the bed, seeing baby girl was still sleeping so i decided to leave her in the bedroom, turning on the baby monitor while i walked down stairs to get breakfast started for him


"What's this?" Pea asked as he walked towards me

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"What's this?" Pea asked as he walked towards me

"I made you breakfast" i smiled as Pea looked back at me "can't have you on an empty stomach"

"Babe, thank you, but I'm late i have to go" Pea replied "dont have time to eat"

"Late? We own the business, we set the hours" i replied "how can you be late? Why are you so quick to leave?" i asked

"I just have to go, see you later" Pea quickly grabbed the fruit  rushing off and out the house, slaming the door making Ray cry

"Great thanks alot dad" i whined going back upstairs to my crying baby


"Why you so angry?" i laughed as Ray kept giving me looks after her bath

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"Why you so angry?" i laughed as Ray kept giving me looks after her bath

"Baby girl your only 2 weeks old, you aint got a reason to be so mad"

"Are you mad daddy's not here yet?" i  asked "because same"

"Kik, Thea!" i yelled out for the twins to come back upstairs

"Yes mama?" they asked

"Did you finish the lunch I made you??" i asked the twins "and drink all your water?"

"Yes mama, it yummy"

"Okay, bring me your shoes, Ray has a doctors appoinment today"

"She sick mama?" Prince asked as they both ran towards my bed where I had Ray laying down "oh no baby" the twins frowned "it okay"

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