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"This view is so

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"This view is so..breathtaking"

"How are you feeling?" Pea asked

"Im feeling better, and sorta emberassed about today"

"Did Betty suspect anything?" Pea asked

"No, its not the first time i over eat and throw up" i smiled "were still good"

"What are we doing tomorrow?" Pea asked

"Im feeling a little bloated, can we go for a walk in the morning?" i asked pea "then we meet Betty and Jones"

"When is he popping the question?" Pea asked "i dont want to be the only married adult here" Pea laughed "i feel old"

"Then divorce me" i smiled "go be a bachelor with your homies"

"Never" Pea smiled "you're stuck with me forever babe"

"Ewww" i smiled as Pea leaned down to kiss me

"Ewww" i smiled as Pea leaned down to kiss me

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"Are you almost done in the tub?" Pea asked

"Yeah, im done actually, can you hand me my night gown please" i asked pea, i had stood up and drained the bath water as pea walked in with a towel and my night gown

"Yeah, im done actually, can you hand me my night gown please" i asked pea, i had stood up and drained the bath water as pea walked in with a towel and my night gown

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Somebody Else [Sweet Pea/Book 2]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin