Chapter 46

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"We are really into water sports aren't we" i smiled as Pea drove to Sweet water River

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"We are really into water sports aren't we" i smiled as Pea drove to Sweet water River

"They love Sweet Water River, they like 'camping' according to the twins" Pea smiled as the kids sat in their car seat holding their sunglasses and water toys "its a good excuse to teach them to swim in an open place"

"Who's coming?" i asked Pea "i noticed you brought the cooler and lots of junk food"

"Ryan and his girls, Fangs,Moose and Kevin"

"Toni and Cheryl?" i frowned

"Working, and i couldnt get a hold of Betty"

"She's still at Renee"

"Damn those little shit are coming back pregnant, I'm calling it!" Pea laughed

"Shut up" i play fully rolled my eyes "leave then alone"

"You heard that? You two are going to have a cousin" Pea laughed as he looked at the twins

The twins smiled as they played in the back seat

"Eyes on the road please" i smiled

"You excited about tomorrow?" Pea asked as he held my hand while the other was in the wheel

"I'm anxious babe"

"Me too, i really hope you can have more kids"

"Will you leave me if i dont?" i asked as Pea looked back at me a bit hurt

"Why would you even say that?"Pea asked

"Because I've read mommy diaries, some women's husband's leave them because they can't give them children, most of them cheat and get the girl friends pregnant while the Wives are at home stuggling with ivf"

"First of all Reneé, i didn't marry you because all i see you as is a baby maker, you're much more than that, and i understand that not all bodies are the same, we have so many options now a days, you dont have to be pregnant to become a parent again, so dont worry, I'm not going anywhere, i said it the night i married you and i'll say it now, through sickness and through health"

"I love you" i smiled, leaning in to kiss his cheek

"You're my best friend babe, im not going anywhere" Pea smiled

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