Chapter 80

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Dayzee.m: okay you can exit my body now..

Cheryl: any day now💜💜💜

Toni: I'm soo excited

Veronica: i just landed!

Betty: me and Jones arrive in the morning! She better wait another day!

Moose: holy crap these months pass by quick


"How are you feeling?" Pea asked as he laid beside me, scrolling the internet for ways to speed up his little girl's arrival

"How are you feeling?" Pea asked as he laid beside me, scrolling the internet for ways to speed up his little girl's arrival

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"Im so over being pregnant" i replied as Pea rubbed my belly "tell your daughter to get the fuck out"

Pea laughed as he kissed my belly

"its so hard" Pea smiled

"Yeah" i frowned "I'm getting a contraction right now"

"Is it time?" Pea quickly got up "lets go, who do we call, have you packed?" Pea asked in a limbo, making me laugh

"Youre going to call my brother and finish that damn nursery" i laughed as Pea looked back at me "the contractions are 30 to 40 minutes apart so we have time"

"It's been so long babe I forgot" Pea replied "im just nervous but at the same time excited because this is a different dilevery expirence, you're not bleeding and you're not early this time around"

"And there's only one in here" I smiled "please finish my daughters nursery room, she should be here any day now"

"Alright" Pea got up from the bed

"Before you go, bring my kids in here with me" i smiled as Pea laughed

"You need to rest, I'll call Fangs and Toni to pick them up"

"No i want my kids, everyone keeps taking them, let me enjoy them before their little sister arrives"

"Fine" Pea added as he went to their rooms

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