Chapter 56

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"Babe" i complained trying to wake Pea up

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"Babe" i complained trying to wake Pea up

"Hmm?" Pea mumbled

"I cant sleep" i cried, walking around the bedroom, it was the crack of dawn, the sun rising slowly but i was too uncomfortable to care

"What time is it?" Pea asked as he groaned, rolling over in tbe bed

"5 in the morning, I've been up since 2" i teared up

"Babe why are you crying?" Pea asked as he got up, embracing me in a hug "is the baby okay?"

"Growing pains" i complained "my back, my stomach..its so.."

"What?" he asked a bit confused

"I can't hide this pregnancy" i cried "my pjs dont even button up anymore, how did this even happen?"

"Maybe its time we tell every one, when we get Home"

Pea frowned

"Okay, i dont want to keep lying, i popped over night"

"You really did" Pea smiled as he rubbed my belly

"Did you buy the lavender scented oils?" Pea asked

"Yes, its in the bathroom"

I had watched pea rush off to the bathroom, before coming into the bedroom again

"Lay down babe, just relax"

"It just hurts, and its so itchy" i complained, laying on my back with my bare stomach out in the open

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"It just hurts, and its so itchy" i complained, laying on my back with my bare stomach out in the open

"Babe" Pea laughed "you told me not to let you scratch"

"I know, but its so freaken itchy" i complained as pea put some oil on my belly, before he began to lather it around my bump

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