Chapter 81

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Dayzee.m: well this happened🐷❤

Betty: no way!

Jughead: we missed it, nooo!

Moose: she is so cute
Sweetpea: hogging your other god baby i see..

Cheryl: we're on our way!

Toni; oh my god!
Daisy: she looks exactly like Princess
Toni: ahhhh im so excited omwww

Veronica: did it hurt this time?
Daisy: not really, i cried maybe once this time around, i giess i knew what to expect


"Awww i missed this birth too" Betty frowned as she hugged Ray, craddiling in her arms as she bounced her around

"Auntie betty was stuck in the stupid airport, they canceled our plane and now I'm here 2 days later" Betty baby talked while she and Jughead slept in our place for a few days to help us adjust being parents of 3

"Auntie betty was stuck in the stupid airport, they canceled our plane and now I'm here 2 days later" Betty baby talked while she and Jughead slept in our place for a few days to help us adjust being parents of 3

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"You are so obsessed" i smiled as Betty just craddled her

"She's so tiny, oh my gosh" Betty smiled "why do you keep making these cute little humans" Betty asked

"Ask stupid Pea" i laughed "im an innocent bystander"

"Not that innocent" Jug replied "You're the one that drove to  him this time"

"Okay shut up Jones" i laughed, as Betty giggled with the kids

"So now what?" Jones asked

"Im on maternity leave for 2 months, then I'm finally back to school"

"Jenny is subbing?" Betty asked "or is it the new assistant?"

"Yeah, its Jenny, she finished touring just in time" i smiled "so she's teaching class for 2 months then, she going on vacations, a well needed one after being on tour for almost a whole year"

"Thats sweet" Betty replied "you should plan a wedding this year" Betty added

"Hahhaha yeah right" i laughed "are you crazy?"

Somebody Else [Sweet Pea/Book 2]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora