Chapter 45

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Third Person POV

There was a very big commotion in both the Medthanan household and the household of Can.

It was already past eight in the evening and both Can and Tin were not in their respective homes.

Can's mom had checked with the university and was told that there was no football practice going on in their sports field.

Tin's father had contacted several private detective agencies to discreetly search for the whereabouts of the two co-heirs to the Medthanan businesses. He had instructed them to do the investigation quietly because he did not want their disappearance to break out into the mainstream news.

Both Tin's dad and Can's dad were starting to get frantic. They kept in constant contact with each other to see if any of the two had arrived home.

Then Tin's dad got a distressing news from one of the detective agencies. They were able to contact a classmate of Can by the name of Good and he had told them that Can had mentioned something about eloping with Tin.

Can's dad heard his phone ring. He saw it was from Chanvit, Tin's dad.

"Have they found any one of our sons yet?" asked Can's dad when he took Chanvit's call.

"They have eloped, Prem! They have eloped! All the detective agencies are trying to hunt them down but they have been unsuccessful so far!" Chanvit's voice sounded so distressed, "What are we going to do, Prem??? I am at my wit's end!"

"We shouldn't have forced them to marry. They are trying to show us that they want to make their decisions by themselves," said Prem in a very sad voice.

"I don't care what they do anymore!" cried Chanvit, "I just want them to come home already!"

"Let's just hope that when they're found, they're found all in one piece," said Prem, not sounding very hopeful.

"If, and I repeat, if, they are even found!" cried Chanvit.

"Stop it, Chanvit!" Prem scolded his business partner. "We are both going to continue hoping only for the best."

At dinner time at the Medthanan household, Chanvit could hardly eat. He asked his man servant to take out a bottle of wine from their wine cellar.

When the man servant came back, Chanvit noticed that he was acting a little peculiar.

"Are you alright, Prasert?" he asked his man servant. (A/N: This is just a made up name for the servant.)

"Yes, sir, yes, sir," said Prasert as he poured some of the red wine into his master's wine glass.

Mr. Medthanan noticed that Prasert's hands were shaking as he poured the wine and his lips were tightly pursed.

Mr. Medthanan continued to observe Prasert. He was continuously wiping some perspiration from the side of his forehead. His man servant was definitely looking uneasy.

Did Prasert know something that his master didn't know?

Finally, after taking a few sips from his wine glass, Chanvit exploded, "Out with it, Prasert! Tell me what's going on or I will fire you!"

"But Tin asked me not to tell you!" Prasert cried, wringing his hands together in distress.

"Who is your main master, me or Tin?" asked Mr. Medthanan, banging his fist on the table.

"They are... they are..."

"Where are they, Prasert? I will give you ten seconds to tell me and then you can start packing your clothes if you haven't told me by then."

"Tin and his guest... they have locked themselves up in the servants'quarters!"


Chanvit wanted to kick himself for not thinking of searching his whole property first. He immediately called up all the detective agencies that he had hired to stop the search for Tin and Can. And then he called his business partner Prem.

"Prem, I want you to drive over to my house right now," said Chanvit in a very solemn tone.

"Have they been found? Are they alive? Tell me, Chanvit, please tell me," said Prem, sounding very distressed.

"They are hiding in the servants' quarters but I want both you and me to confront them together that is why I want you to come over before I ask Prasert to force the door open," said Chanvit.

"I'm on my way," said Prem.

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