Chapter 40

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Tin's POV

As soon as the bell rang for lunch break, I ran over to the other side of the campus where Can's classroom was. I was starting to feel guilty for cursing him earlier. He had already been suffering from all that throwing up and must be feeling so miserable right now. I mentally kicked myself for being insensitive towards him.

I knew that it was ridiculous of me to assume that I got him pregnant for just a one time penetration, and of course there was no such thing as a guy getting another guy pregnant but the idea of having a baby with him totally blew my mind.

My heart softened so much towards Can as I tried to imagine how our baby would look like if I had fathered a baby with him.

The baby would probably get my eyes and my nose and lips, and maybe also my ears and my chin. Wait, I was imagining the baby to be a mini me!

I ran as fast as I could up the stairs to his classroom and almost collided with Good.

"Has Can gone out for lunch already?" I asked Good.

"No," said Good, "he is all alone in the classroom. He looks very sad."

"Thank you, Good, have a nice lunch," I said to Good before speeding towards his classroom.

I stood in the doorway of the classroom, looking at my future spouse, my heart immediately melting as I saw him face down resting on his arms on top of his desk.

I slowly approached him and sat quietly on the chair next to his. He immediately assumed I was Good and started to say, "Good, I told you to go ahead and have lunch without me...." then stopped when he realized it was me sitting beside him.

I noticed the tears on his face that he had not bothered to wipe away.

I took out my handkerchief from my pocket.

"Why are you so messy," I grumbled as I wiped his tears gently from his face.

He did not say anything but was looking miserably at me.

"I guess I was too harsh on you earlier," I said, holding him gently.

He started to cry again, "I didn't even know that she was going to come to my house to bring me the dish that she cooked for me."

"Ssshhh......ssshhh......" I said and placed my mouth on his to silence him.

"Let's get married," I whispered in his ears.


"And have lots of babies that look exactly like me," I continued.


"You don't like the idea of being married to me?" I asked with an exaggerated look of sadness on my face.

"No, you selfish bastard," Can said, "I want the babies to look exactly like me, not you!"

I hugged him tight, "Let's compromise," I said, "let's make them half and half.  Half like you and half like me, how about that?"

"No," said Can stubbornly, "it's all totally me or none at all."

"My father would not like that," I said, "I look very much like my father, so he would want the succeeding heirs to his business empire to look exactly like him."

"He can keep his empire, I will keep my babies," said Can very firmly.

"You stubborn son of a gun," I said as I grabbed him, "let's go have lunch at the restaurant by the mall. You have to drive me in your car. You have never given me a ride in it since your father bought it for you."

"Fine by me," he said, and stood from his chair and tiptoed to plant a kiss on my willing lips.

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