Chapter 17

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Third Person POV

After the movie, Can noticed that Tin was still holding on to his hand.

"Tin," Can said, pulling his hand away, "there's no need for you to hold my hand any longer."

Tin let go and then went over to walk beside Can's mom.

"Mom," Tin said, "do you want me to bring over the fish bowl to your house?"

"That would be too much of a bother for you, especially because you are giving it away as a gift to Can," said Can's mom, "since Can has his own car now, I will let him drive over to your house to pick it up. Lay and I will come along so that Lay can hold the fish bowl in her hand while Can is driving."

Can walked closer to his mom and asked, "What are the two of you talking in low tones about?"

"Tin is offering to bring the fish over to our house but I told him that we could just drive over to his house to pick it up," Can's mom replied.

"Mom," said Can, "I'm not interested in the fish."

"Then I will take care of it, is that alright, Tin?" said Can's mom, "I will place it in the living room in one corner under the hanging plant."

"That's perfectly alright," said Tin, "Can I stop by from time to time to visit Rainbow?"

"Who is Rainbow?" Can's mom got puzzled.

"Oh, that's the name I gave the fish," Tin replied.

"That's a lovely name for a fish," said Can's mom.

"Lame," Can said under his breath.

"Ouch!" Can protested as Lay hit him on his arm.

"Don't be rude," said Lay.

When they walked out of the mall, they noticed Ae and Pete in the parking lot. Tin waved at them as they approached the pair.

"Tin," said Pete, "is it okay if we don't ride back with you? My mom is picking me and Ae up. She wants to treat us to dinner at a restaurant in another part of town."

"That's alright," said Tin, "say hi to your mom for me, will you?"

"Of course," said Pete with a smile.

Tin turned to Can's mom. "I will drive ahead to my house and will park outside until you arrive."

"Sounds good," said Can's mom. "Can you give us your address, Tin? I don't think Can will remember how to get there since he has been there only once."

"Sure," said Tin, and turned to Can, "can you give me your phone number, Can, so that I can text my address to you?"

Without thinking, Can gave Tin his phone number and then quickly regretted it. Shit, Tin had tricked him into giving his phone number!

It was too late. In a few seconds, Can got a notification from his phone that he had received a text message. It was Tin's address.

"I will wait for you outside my house," Tin said before walking towards where he had parked his car.

Can's mom and Can and Lay started walking to Can's car as well.

Can was so proud of himself as he effortlessly drove out of the parking lot and into the busy Sunday afternoon traffic. He was so happy and thankful to his dad for his new cobalt blue two door Ford Focus. He was already planning to invite Good and his other friends to go for a spin in his new car. Maybe he could drive to the beach and spend his last day of vacation there with his friends.

Can had activated the car's GPS and was following the directions to Tin's address. Tin's house was a bit out of the way from the main road. Can reminded himself never to drive to Tin's address again. This would be his first and last time to come here.

Tin stepped out of his parked car when he saw Can's car approaching. Tin had not noticed earlier how cool Can's cobalt blue Ford Focus looked. Tin admired it and wanted to ask Can to take him for a spin in it but he knew that he might as well just wish for the moon and the stars.

Tin approached Can's car after Can parked it just behind Tin's car.

"Would you like to come inside the house for some late afternoon tea?" he asked Can and Lay and his mom.

"No, thanks, Tin, we're okay," Can answered for Lay and his mom.

"Alright, I won't be long," said Tin as he let himself through the gate of his house with a duplicate key.

As soon as Tin left, Can's mom turned to Can, "Why can't you forgive Tin's past offenses to you? I can see he's trying really hard to make amends."

"I don't think he just wants to make amends, mom," Lay spoke up for the first time since they had left the movie house, "I think Tin likes to be more than just friends with P'Can."

"Shut up, Lay," said Can.

"There you go again with your crazy ideas," said Can's mom to Lay.

In a few minutes, Tin was back, carefully holding the fish bowl with Rainbow swimming happily inside it.

Lay stepped out of the car to take the fish bowl from Tin.

Lay heard Tin say to Rainbow, "I will visit you soon, Rainbow, don't miss me too much."

Hearing that made Lay very very happy...for her P'Can.

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