Chapter 31

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Can 's POV 

I could not react right away to Tin's violent action on my phone. I stood rooted to my spot.

With a face darkened with anger and bitterness, he said to me, "you won't even give me your phone number and yet here is this girl whom you have known for only a day and therefore basically she's still a stranger to you but all she has to do is flash her big boobs and shapely legs and you are on your knees begging for her phone number and offering yours to her!"

He turned to walk away then seemed to change his mind, spun around and grabbed my neck and hissed into my ear, "What is it that she can do that I cannot do better?"

Before I could answer he quickly opened his car door, stepped inside his car and slammed the door shut. With a loud screech of his car's tires he drove away.

Without a moment 's hesitation I retrieved my phone from the ground which had narrowly escaped being run over by Tin. Fortunately, my phone had a very durable protective covering and didn't look like it had been damaged.

After picking up my phone I ran to my car and started the engine. Tin's car may be more expensive than mine but my car is brand new and its turbo features are not something to sneeze at.  In a few seconds I managed to overtake him just as he was rounding the corner. My tires squealed in an ear piercing pitch as I blocked him.

The other motorists behind me started honking at me so I turned my blinkers on so that they would go around my car.

By this time Tin had stepped out of his car and had started banging on my window.  I lowered my window and told him to follow me to his house. My GPS still had his address in its memory.

As I drove toward his house, I kept looking in my rear view mirror to make sure that he was following me.

When I reached the gate of his house, I parked outside and waited as he arrived and parked behind me.

"Don't worry, I'm not going inside your house," was the first thing I said to him when he approached me as I stepped out of my car.

"Who said you're not going inside my house," he said as he dragged me through his gate.

"Stop it, Tin!" I yelled at him, pulling away. "I need to clarify all those accusations that you hurled at me just before you drove away from my house."

"How are you going to defend yourself?" he asked coldly.

"There's nothing for me to defend against!" I continued to yell at him. I was really getting angry by this time. "All your accusations are false! Her boobs or legs are nothing to me! I did not ask for her phone! She took my phone and used it to call her phone so that my number could be registered on her phone and her number could be registered on mine! That's my story, you stupid jerk!"

Before I could stop myself, I had landed my fist on his jaw.

He staggered a little bit but did not lose his footing. When he was steady again, he lifted me in his arms and carried me inside his house.

His parents happened to be in the living room as he continued to carry me upstairs to his room. They looked up at us with their mouths wide open and their eyes looking like they would pop out of their sockets any second.

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