1. The Client

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Heels clacking as she made walked down the steps of the courthouse, Regina made her way to her sleek silver BMW with a renewed purpose. Since Harry’s announcement, she had been in a very good mood – extending so far as to wake up early enough to pull up her brunette hair into a neat updo and get an acquittal on the break and enter case that she thought was certainly at least an intermittent sentence. She turned on the heat along with the engine as she pulled out of the parking lot, humming the tune of a pop song under her breath as she made the drive back to the office.

As far as attorneys went, Regina Iverson was the face of success. Graduating magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, she went on to secure the position of junior associate at Foster and Williams LLP., by far the most prestigious and high-paying criminal law firm in the city of New York. As far as everyone around her was concerned, Regina was living the dream – her newly purchased car that subtly smelled of Dior perfume and the Gucci shift dress she was wearing only attested to the statement. Despite the material perks and the elevated status among her friends and family, the life she dreamt of since high school had begun to wilt in Regina’s eyes: ninety hour weeks and microwaved lunches were slowly sipping away at her enthusiasm and ambition.

She bit on her lip softly as she pulled into the parking space in front of the sleek skyscraper her office was located in. This was her chance to get out of the grudge work she had been doing at the firm for the last four years and move on to cases that showcased her legal talent and didn’t require an absurd amount of billable hours to make a living. Her first meeting with the client was today, and Regina was determined to make the judgment and impression that would put her far ahead of Adam in this race.

“Good afternoon, Regina.” Monica, the secretary, called out to her as she entered the firm. Making a beeline for the coffeemaker, she made a cup of hazelnut-flavored coffee before walking down the corridor to her office.

“Well, you look awfully nice today.” A voice commented behind her. “Finally leaving the office early for a date?”

Regina turned around to come face to face with her best friend Isabelle LeFevre, another junior associate at the firm and her old roommate during law school. Isabelle stood tall on four-inch black pumps, her long blonde tresses framing her face in a delicate manner. Unlike most of the other associates, who usually suffered from chronic gray shadows under the eyes and premature wrinkles, Isabelle had a youthful appearance to her.

“The only date I’ll be having today is with my new client.” Regina replied, smiling back at her friend. “Not that I mind, because he’s going to get me much further in life than any guy I’m going to meet at those bars you always drag me to.”

“And I’m doing you a favour by forcing you to get out of this office,” her best friend scoffed. “In two years, we’ll be thirty and all that will be left is online dating and singles’ bingo nights.”

“I’m not going to let even your absurd pessimism ruin my good mood today.” Regina replied, walking into her cramped office and holding the door open for her friend. “With any luck, in six months I won’t have to turn sideways to get around my desk. Harry’s promised me partner in six months as long as I don’t make more of an idiot of myself than Adam Dubois.”

“What?” Isabelle exclaimed in surprise. Clearly, news of the upcoming partner selection and the contest involved with it have not yet made their way around the firm. “That’s amazing, congratulations! Junior partner at twenty-eight is unheard of at this firm!”

“God knows how much I’ve wanted this.” Regina sighed, taking a sip of her cooling coffee as she sat down at her desk. “I haven’t been down to visit my family in months. Last time I’ve been over there is when I managed to get a week off during the summer, but at least my number of billable hours is higher than any other associate.”

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