[sixteen] empty

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Michael wouldn't answer a single one of my phone calls or texts. I had went over there the next morning, hoping things cooled down between us but he locked himself inside his room and wouldn't open it to me.

"Mikey, please talk to me. I'm sorry okay?" I yelled, trying again before giving up with a sigh and heading to my room. I grabbed a bag and stuffed clothes in it, getting ready to head back to Morgan's until he talked to me. I stopped as I left my room, contemplating trying one last time. I decided against it and trudged to the door. I hesitantly sat my keys to the apartment on the table and left quietly. It was best to give him space.

"Thank you for letting me stay here." I mumbled to Morgan as I laid a blanket out over her couch.
"It's kinda my fault you're in this situation. I'm really sorry I pushed you to do that." She sat next to me, giving me a sympathetic look.
"It's okay Morgan, you were just looking out for me. I'm not mad at you." I gave her a reassuring smile and leaned back against the cushions.
"We'll fix this, I promise."

I kept checking my phone, hoping something came through from him. A text telling me to come home or a call saying he wanted to talk. I had never felt so defeated in my life. I sighed, throwing my phone to the other end of the couch. I turned on the TV, trying to distract myself from thinking about him. I never thought that out of everyone, I would feel this strongly about Michael. I never thought I would be so effected by him not talking to me.

"Wanna go with me and Cal to the gym?" Morgan asked, leaning against the back of the couch. I shook my head no and gave them both a smile.
"I'm sure he wont be mad too much longer Kota." Calum reassured, squeezing my arm lightly. I tried calling him once again, still being sent to voicemail.
"Hey Mike, I know you don't want to talk to me right now and I understand but I am actually dying from not talking to you. Just please call me back." I hung up and wiped my face as the tears began to fall.

 Morgan finally got home around eleven and she gave me a questioning look when she saw me sitting up, staring at the black TV screen.
"Why are you sitting in the dark?" She asked, flicking on the table lamp.
"I feel so empty" I mumbled, not meeting her stare.
"Dakota." She sighed, walking around and sitting next to me. She motioned for me to come to her and I did, letting her embrace me in a tight hug.
"You'll be fine." She cooed, flattening my hair with her hand while I cried against her. I couldn't form any words, just loud sobs. She held me until I was all cried out and gave me a soft smile.
"He loves you Dakota, he'll realize soon enough that he misses you and needs you back there."


I opened up the door after I was sure Dakota left and slowly walked out to the living room. I caught sight of her keys near the door and sighed. I didn't actually want her to leave but I was beyond furious with her. I didn't know how to function without her here. It was like an entire piece was missing from me. I kept picking up my phone, ready to call her and tell her to come home but every time, I chose against it.

I listened to her voicemail over and over, still not wanting to call her. I wanted to let it play itself out. I felt terrible for how I treated her and for the way I yelled at her but I couldn't say that to her.
"Hey Mike, It's Brandon. Calum sent me over to check on you." I heard Brandon yell, followed by a loud knock. I groaned and went to open up the door for him.
"Cal said you aren't talking to him right now and he was just worried about you." He informed as he shut the door and followed behind me.
"I'm extremely upset with him" I told him, rolling my eyes.
"Yea, he told me what happened." 
"Am I blowing this out of proportion?" I asked him quietly.

"Honestly, you and Dakota are both in the wrong here. Neither of you should have done what you did. You know she's madly in love with you and you're the same with her. You both need to just own up to your wrong doings and make up." Brandon always gave the best advice out of all the guys. Any time we needed something we all went to him.
"Should I call her?" I asked sheepishly, feeling like an idiot.
"Give it one more day and see where it leads. But by tomorrow night, if things haven't changed, call her."

Brandon stayed with me for a while, until he was sure I was okay. I felt better, having someone there but once he left, I was back to being lonely. I missed her. I missed holding her, kissing her, listening to her laugh. She meant everything to me and I was an idiot for not seeing that. I should have never treated her the way I did. I only got so upset with her because I know what I did was wrong and I tried making it like she was the bad person. I was a complete idiot.


      Stop calling him Dakota, give him space. I kept repeating the words to myself every time I pulled up his contact. I just needed to hear his voice. I just needed to hear him tell me everything was okay. It's crazy to think that this man, who I once despised with everything in me, could effect me so badly. I begged Morgan to take me over there, but she wouldn't. She took my keys from me and continuously told me I needed to give him space so we both could understand what we meant to each other. 

I just wanted to feel his arms wrap around me. To feel his lips on mine as we lay in each others arms, watching TV together. My whole world was crumbling around me and I didn't know how to fix it. I needed Michael to fix it.

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