[nine] a date?

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         "Do you have to go to work?" Michael whined from the bed as I pulled on my work uniform. I grabbed my things and turned back to him.
"Yes Mikey, I do have to go to work. Some of us cant just not show up to work when they don't want to because they work for their dad." I smiled as I bent down, pressing a small kiss to his lips.
"I wanted to take you on a date." He pouted as I started walking out of the bedroom. I paused and turned back to him.
"A date? You've never offered to take anyone on a date." I chuckled.
"I've taken people on dates plenty of times." He defended himself, sitting up.
"Name three girls you've taken on a date." I challenged, checking the time on my phone.

"Laura Miller" He said in a triumphant tone before going quiet again. I raised my eyebrow, waiting for him to continue, "There was uh" 
"Don't strain yourself Michael" I giggled, rolling my eyes "Also you're gross for going out with Laura. I'll see you when I get off work." I smirked, shooting a wink in his direction.
"What's wrong with Laura?" he called
"Call Calum and ask him." I yelled before walking out of the apartment.

Work had felt longer than usual today and I just couldn't wait to go back home. I missed Michael. He had been messaging me throughout the day, sending me pictures of his outfit, saying he was ready for our date when I got home, telling me how he couldn't go back to sleep when I left because 'he needs my skin against his to be able to sleep.' By the time four o'clock rolled around, I practically ran to my car. I just wanted to go home and see Michael.

"Get dressed, we're going to the fair." Michael called from his room before I could even get a hello out of my mouth.
"I never agreed to go on a date with you, ya know?" I chuckled, going into my room and finding an outfit.
"Shut up and get dressed." He stopped in front of my door, fixing his jacket sleeve.
"Can I shower first?" I asked, taking my clothes to the bathroom. "I'll be out momentarily." I smiled, closing the door before he could argue with me. I didn't take long in there because honestly, I was ecstatic to go.


        "Finally." I groaned as Dakota came strolling out of the bathroom.
"Michael you took a hour and a half in there yesterday. I don't wanna hear it." She teased, tugging on her jacket. "Now would you be a dear and grab my shoes for me?" She asked, batting her eyelashes at me. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the door, picking them up and tossing them at her.
"What the fuck." She laughed, dodging them. 
"I am so sorry I thought you asked me to throw them at you." She glared at me while she put them on, standing up and straightening out her clothes.
"I don't think I wanna go on this date you anymore sir." I took her hand and pulled her out of the house.

"Why'd you wanna take me on a date?" Dakota asked as she picked at her cotton candy.
"It's not like it's a date date, it's just a friend date. Friends go on them all the time." I rambled, looking down at her while we strolled through the crowds of people.
"Good, because I don't like you."
"Well I don't like you either." I replied, shrugging my shoulders. I felt her fingers graze against my hand and smiled to myself, intertwining my fingers with hers. I watched as she bit her lip, looking down at her feet while we walked.

"You gonna win me one of those stupid bears?" She spoke up, her head turning to one of the game booths.
"Would you like one of those stupid bears?" I chuckled as she shrugged.
"They're pretty cool. A friend would definitely try to win another friend one on their 'friend date.'" She smiled up at me and my heart melted. I couldn't say no to her. I let out a dramatic sigh and stomped over there, a string of giggles leaving her mouth as she followed on my heels. I handed the money to the man and he handed me the rings to throw at the bottles.
"I'm only doing this because it's what a good friend would do." I teased and she nodded with a wide smile.
"Of course."

"Michael you really suck at this game." Dakota laughed as she stood off to the side, watching as I failed miserably to get at least one ring on the bottle. "Come on you've spent $25 on this dumb game, you could've just bought me the bear from the store at that price." I took a deep breath and threw my last ring, it spinning around the neck of the bottle. I jumped in excitement, looking over at her. She laughed, clapping her hands slowly and shaking her head.
"The master of carnival games everyone." She cheered as the man handed her the small brown bear. "$25 on a bear that probably cost $2. You are a huge idiot, ya know that?" She asked, looking over the bear.
"I've been told." 


     "Who were the two guys you were in love with?" Michael asked as we laid back on the hood of the car.
"Huh?" I asked, turning to look at him.
"You told me you only ever loved two men in your life. Who were they?" He propped himself up on his elbow and his eyes looked over my face.
"Well, Ashton but I feel like that was obvious." I bit my lip, glancing up at him as he waited on me to finish. "You don't know the other one." I finally choked out.
"Can I get a name at least?"
"It's getting chilly, we should probably head back home." I changed the subject quickly, climbing off of the car.

"So when are you gonna tell me that the other one was me?" Michael mumbled as we drove back home.
"It wasn't so why would I tell you that?" I asked, trying my hardest to avoid looking at him. He let out a small chuckle as he tapped his fingers against the steering wheel.
"You're a really bad liar."
"Is there something you wanna tell me?" I asked, turning my attention to him. "Because you keep trying to get me to say I'm in love with you, or that I was. It's just weird because I don't think I've ever once told you that I love you. Nothing like that has ever left my mouth." He smiled, peeking over at me as we pulled into the parking garage.
"I don't have anything to tell you that I haven't already said before." I furrowed my eyebrows together and climbed out of the car after him.

"What does that mean?" I asked, matching his walking pace.
"It means what I said."
"Could you explain?" I questioned, stuffing my hands in my pockets.
"Nah." He shrugged, shaking his head.
"Are you in love with me or not?" I blurted out.
"I dunno Dakota, that's a weird question to ask your friend." I huffed loudly and glared at him, remaining quiet as we walked into the apartment. 

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